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Erotic Encounters Page 10

  Someone to love.

  His kiss deepened. He reached for another condom packet and quickly rolled it on his hard cock. He nudged her legs apart, positioned himself between her thighs and slowly entered her.

  The sensation was physically exhilarating, but this time it carried an added emotional element, one that both confused and excited him. Her pussy muscles closed in around his hard shaft, encasing him in that hot cocoon he had grown to anticipate. He moved in and out, at first with a deliberately slow pace that spoke of intimacy and feelings as well as passion and physical desire. Each of his down strokes met with her equally enthusiastic upward hip thrust.

  At the culmination of each stroke when his hardness was buried all the way inside her, he paused for an instant to fully savor the totality of the moment, the closeness that enveloped him. The pace quickened as the physical need reached out to each of them. He held her tightly in his arms. Long, slow strokes turned to quicker thrusts. Her body writhed beneath him, her cries of ecstasy telling him she was very near to orgasm. Another couple of thrusts, then one last deep plunge and he joined her in the ultimate rapture. He held her body tight against his for several minutes before finally rolling off of her.

  His mouth found Trish’s again, his kiss as hot as it had been before only this time without the frenzied urgency attached to it. The kiss was deep, sensual and curled her toes the same way having his hard shaft buried inside her did. She ran her fingers through his thick hair.

  No one had ever filled her so completely or penetrated her so deeply. It was almost as if his cock had gone so deep inside her it had struck virgin territory. The exquisite sensations had enveloped her entire body. He was everything she had dreamed he would be. Everything she had fantasized. Everything she had hoped for. And so much more. She had never before experienced a man’s mouth on her pussy, but she knew that it certainly wouldn’t be the last time. Her body tingled from the intense orgasms he had already given her.

  And the night was still young.

  The sensation of his strong heartbeat resonated to her fingers. She wanted to take off her mask, to rid herself of the last bit of covering, but she knew she didn’t dare. She could never allow Jonathon Rutledge to know the true identity of his mystery lover. If he knew, her embarrassment would be so acute that she would never be able to face him again. She would have to resign from her job before he fired her, a job she loved, working for a man she greatly admired for his business ethics and expertise.

  And that wasn’t the only thing she admired about him.

  Her thoughts turned toward her rapidly escalating concerns about whether she had made a horrible mistake, one she would soon live to regret. One night, that was all she had wanted. One night of unbridled passion with the most incredible, desirable, sexy man she had ever known.

  Just one night.

  In the last few hours, she had participated in pleasures more intimate, more sensual, more unbelievable and more enthralling than she had ever dreamed possible. And with a man she could easily fall in love with if she gave it half a chance and he offered her even a hint of encouragement. Maybe over the last three years she had already fallen in love with him—gradually, slowly, almost imperceptibly as she maintained her prim and proper business attitude day after day at the office.

  He had flirted outrageously with her in the hotel ballroom and assumed she would go to bed with him. He whisked her away to his room for the sole purpose of sex without even knowing who she was or anything about her. On the surface, that would make him an arrogant playboy. But then, she had dressed the part to purposely entice him. The difference was that she knew the person underneath that pretense, a façade no more indicative of the real man than the pirate costume he had chosen for the party.

  He pulled her body close to his, holding her tenderly in his arms. It felt so good, so right. It felt like something she wanted to have last forever. She ran her fingers through his hair, then arched her back to thrust her breasts toward his mouth. A moment later his lips were on her nipple, then his tongue licking and teasing the puckered flesh, finally drawing it inside his mouth. He gently suckled, sending a warm wave of contentment through her body. The feeling was totally different from the frenzied urgency of earlier, but every bit as pleasurable.

  She stayed in his arms. He gently stroked her hair. Before long his caresses stopped. His slow even breathing told her he had fallen asleep. A little smile of understanding tugged at the corners of her mouth. He had returned from London late Thursday night and had been in the office for a full day of work Friday morning. She didn’t know how much sleep he had gotten Friday night, but she knew he had several things on his schedule for Saturday, which precluded his sleeping late on Saturday morning. And then Marty Collins’ costume party tonight. There was just no way he could have recovered from his jet lag. And adding several hours of hot, urgent and frenzied sex…he couldn’t have stayed awake much longer.

  And then he made love to her, beautiful and tender with all the caring anyone could ever wish for.

  Her own eyes grew heavy, but she didn’t dare fall asleep. She couldn’t afford to be in the vulnerable position of having him wake up and remove her mask. A touch of panic tried to take hold. As much as she wanted to spend the entire night with him, leaving now while he was asleep was going to be the most expedient thing to do. It would eliminate any questions, difficulties or awkward moments.

  She didn’t regret one minute of the intimate time they had spent together, but now that time needed to come to an end. She had to leave as quickly as possible. No matter what she tried to tell herself, and no matter how enthralled she had been with the last several hours, there was no doubt in her mind that the long term effects of her actions would prove her decision to indulge her fantasy had been a very foolish idea.

  Was she executing a cowardly retreat? Sneaking away while he slept? Should she stay and be accountable for her actions even if she didn’t reveal her true identity? She had always been a responsible person, but this was different. Panic grew until it touched every part of her.

  Slowly and carefully, she eased out of his arms and edged toward the side of the bed until she could stand. She hurried toward the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later with her dress on and her hair smoothed back. After confirming he was still asleep, she searched for her shoes. She spotted the high heels half hidden under the bed. She moved quietly across the carpeting and picked up her shoes, her plan being to tip toe out of the room.

  Then her less than smooth escape totally fell apart when she saw him stir. A combination of extreme panic and stupefying fear stopped her dead in her tracks. If she remained perfectly still and quiet maybe Jonathon would go back to sleep.

  He jerked to rigid attention and sat up straight when his gaze landed on her. Total disbelief and confusion covered his features. “Are you going somewhere?”

  “It’s…it’s very late. I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “So you thought you’d sneak out without even bothering to say good-bye?” A strange combination of alarm and hurt surrounded his words.

  “I have to go.” She turned and reached for the door security lock.

  “Wait. I don’t even know who you are. You can’t leave, not like this.”

  He jumped up from the bed, his long legs carrying him quickly across the room toward her, but before he got there Trish managed to slip out the door and was on her way down the corridor. He was stark naked. No way he could leave the room and come after her.

  Chapter Three

  Monday morning arrived much too quickly for Trish. Her body still tingled from the night of passion she shared with Jonathon. A night that would live in her memory forever.

  But now she had to face him and act as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, as if their relationship was the same as it had been when they left the office on Friday—that of employer and employee. Her nervousness jumped into high gear the moment she had pulled into the parking lot and saw his car. He had gotten to wor
k early. She hesitated a moment as she took a steadying breath, then opened the door and entered her office. She called to him through the open connecting door to his office.

  “Good morning, Mr. Rutledge. You’re certainly in early.”

  He looked up at the sound of her voice and offered a warm though somewhat distracted smile. “Good morning, Miss Andrews. I had several things I needed to take care of, some early morning phone calls to make. Did you have a nice weekend?”

  A quick jolt of guilt combined with a heated rush of excitement as the memory flooded through her mind. Her nipples puckered, the sensitive peaks brushing against her bra as a tingle pulsed between her thighs and deep inside her body. “Yes, I did.”

  She wasn’t sure what else to say. Something she hadn’t anticipated had suddenly presented itself. A question he had asked her dozens of times, a simple question with no ulterior motive now meant much more than it had in the past. Much more than she was sure he intended it to mean. Nothing was the same as before. What should have been a normal Monday morning had become a journey into uncharted territory. She tried to swallow down her nervousness as she placed her purse in her bottom desk drawer and switched on her computer.

  She turned her attention toward the credenza. To her surprise, he had already made coffee. There appeared to be the equivalent of one cup missing from the pot. She poured herself a cup of coffee, then carried the pot into his office and refilled his mug.

  The scent of his aftershave attacked her senses. It was the same as he had worn Saturday night. He was dressed casually in jeans and a pullover shirt, the way he usually dressed in the office when he didn’t have an important meeting. But what she saw was a perfect specimen of the male physique without the encumbrance of clothes. And most prominent in her vision was his impressive erection standing proud and tall. And oh so very ready.

  She moved away from him. Had she stayed there a moment longer she wouldn’t have been able to resist the temptation to touch him, to run her fingers through his thick hair, to taste his mouth. To rip off his clothes and ravage him, taking him deep inside her body as she cried out in one exquisite orgasm after another.

  She tried to force a calm to her pounding heart and rapid pulse. She turned her attention to the office plants, checking to see if they needed to be watered. “I trust you caught up on your sleep from your London trip.”

  “I didn’t have much of a chance to catch up on my sleep until last night, way too many things to do. Sunday evening was the first time I had a chance to really relax. But I’m feeling fine now, all rested and ready to start a new week.”

  Jonathon watched for a moment as she filled the pitcher and started to water the plants. Feeling fine…that was a laugh. He hadn’t felt fine since his mystery lover ran from his room after an incredible night that had continued to play through his mind the rest of the weekend. One painful moment remained burned into his consciousness. The one where he stood frozen to the spot as the hotel room door clicked shut behind her. He had been unable to follow her, totally helpless as she made her escape.

  He had no idea who she was or where she had come from. Marty didn’t know who she was. How was he ever going to find her? The same strange sense of loss as he felt Saturday night again invaded his reality. He didn’t fully understand it, nor could he explain it. But neither could he deny it. Saturday night someone very special had run out of his life. And Jonathon Rutledge, the dynamic and forceful businessman who had no problem juggling several multi-million dollar deals simultaneously, didn’t know what to do about it.

  All he had to track her down was the hope that someone at Marty Collins’ party knew who she was. He had already placed phone calls to Marty and four other people who had been at the party. They all remembered the mysterious woman, but none of them knew who she was. They were going to check with other people who had been at the party. Someone had to know her. She couldn’t have just wandered into the hotel wearing a mask in hopes of finding a costume party.

  She had to have known about the party in advance. And that meant she had some connection to at least one of the people invited to the party. The slight frown creased his forehead. Or maybe she worked at the hotel in some capacity and knew the ballroom had been booked for a costume party. A sigh of dejection made its way past his lips. Or maybe she knew someone who worked at the hotel. The elusive connection he sought seemed to be moving farther and farther from his grasp.

  Somehow he had to find out who she was. A private detective? It was a thought that he filed away in the back of his mind. If nothing else worked out, then it was a possibility. But for now, he had a desk full of work and a serious problem with trying to concentrate on what needed to be done.

  He looked up just as Trish finished watering the office plants. “Miss Andrews, could you bring me the file on Premier Associates? I need to do some restructuring on the proposal. I thought we had a done deal, but last Friday’s meeting said otherwise.”

  Trish located the file and brought it to him, thankful for the distraction of business as usual. Somehow she had to get her mind off of Saturday night and back into reality. But it was so much easier said than done. Every time she got within fifteen feet of him a tingle of excitement rippled across her skin, her pulse raced and a throbbing need between her legs dampened the crotch of her panties.

  She had convinced herself that one night was all she wanted. One night of unbridled passion would be enough. She now knew she had only been kidding herself. She had to have another night with him, but how? The costume party had been a perfect setting for a mysterious meeting with total anonymity. What could she come up with that would duplicate those circumstances? Something that would entice him yet assure her anonymity?

  The more she thought about it, the more determined she became to somehow orchestrate another night of passion with the incredibly sexy Jonathon Rutledge. Would that be pushing her luck one step too far?

  She dismissed the negative thought. The rest of the work day progressed in a busy manner, leaving her little time to speculate and day dream. But as soon as she arrived home, she made it the number one item for the evening.

  By the time she went to bed, Trish Andrews had come up with a plan. There was only one little hitch. In order to implement her plan, she would have to let Jonathon know that his mystery lover knew who he was. It would no longer be two strangers at an accidental meeting. Would he go along with her plan without knowing her identity? It was a chance she would take. A chance she needed to take.

  She purchased a box of lacy ultra-feminine stationery in a passionate pink color. She wrote him a note, using a script font on her computer so he wouldn’t recognize the handwriting. She had given a lot of thought to the exact wording of the note. She didn’t want it to sound pornographic, but she definitely wanted to arouse him.

  My Dear Captain Sparrow: My body has been on fire since our meeting. I ache for more of your touch. There’s so much left for us to explore. I want to see you this Saturday to continue where we left off, including wearing the same costumes we wore when we shared that marvelous night of passion. I’ve reserved room sixty-nine at the Bayfront Inn on Old Shoreline Road. I’ll be so disappointed if you reject my invitation. I’ll be waiting for you at seven o’clock. Until then…

  She signed the note The Lady In Red, sprayed the envelope with a hint of the special perfume she had worn that night and mailed it on her way to work the next morning. She knew it would be delivered the following day.

  A nervous energy coiled inside Trish for the rest of that day. Jonathon appeared busy, but she couldn’t help notice that he also seemed distracted from time to time. He obviously had something on his mind other than work. She hoped it was the memory of his mystery lover, that their night of wild abandon was as profound for him as it had been for her. She would soon know the answer, but would it be the answer she wanted to hear?

  By the next morning her nervous energy had progressed to full blown anxiety. She remained on pins and needles until the morning
mail arrived. She immediately spotted the passionate pink envelope that clearly stated personal and confidential next to his name and address. After opening the rest of the mail as she normally would, she carried it into his office and placed it on his desk.

  He looked up at her, but before he could say anything she handed him the envelope. “This one was marked personal. It doesn’t have a return address. Do you want me to have security check it out?”

  Jonathon caught a hint of the fragrance his mystery lover had worn. Could it possibly be a note from her? But how could that be? How would she know who to send it to? And where?

  “Uh…no need, Miss Andrews. I’m sure it isn’t anything that requires the attention of the security department.” He took the envelope and stared at it for a moment before returning his attention to his administrative assistant. She seemed to be waiting for something. “Is there anything else, Miss Andrews?”

  “Oh…no, nothing.”

  He watched as she left, then closed his office door so he could turn his full attention to the mysterious envelope. He inhaled the fragrance. It was definitely the same perfume. An image of a stunning body immediately filled his mind followed closely by a hard jolt of heated lust. His cock twitched as the memory of that incredible night came rushing back at him, of the way his cock felt buried deep inside her hot pussy, of the taste uniquely hers. His hand trembled slightly as he opened the envelope and read the note.

  Two conflicting emotions immediately clashed inside him, each battling for dominance. His stiffening cock and emotions won out over his intellectual concerns. Maybe fate had stepped in to give him another opportunity to identify his mystery lover. He couldn’t allow the opportunity to get away, but he needed to take some precautions. She knew who he was, but he didn’t have a clue about her other than no one else had made him throb with hot need the way she did. He glanced at the closed door again, making sure no one could hear him. Then he reached for his phone.