Erotic Encounters Read online

Page 11

  Trish saw the light go on showing Jonathon’s line was in use. Was it a business call or something to do with her note? It was too late to take it back. She had initiated phase two and had to see it through.

  The rest of the week seemed to crawl by. The end of the work day on Friday finally arrived. Jonathon hadn’t made any mention of the pink envelope, and Trish couldn’t ask him about it without arousing suspicion. Had he thrown it away in disgust? Had he dismissed it as a joke? Did he plan to be at the inn at seven o’clock? Had she done a totally stupid thing in sending the note?

  Her original plan had been for one night of passion. She slowly shook her head. One night wasn’t enough. Would two nights be enough? She instinctively knew the answer. A hundred nights wouldn’t be enough. A thousand nights wouldn’t be enough. She would never have her fill of Jonathon Rutledge. The rest of her life would be spent wanting more.

  Her entire body tingled with the need to have him embedded deep inside her. To feel the thrust of his rock hard shaft moving in and out. To once again experience that incredible surge of rapture when he sucked her clit into his mouth. And in a little over twenty-four hours she would hopefully know that excitement again.


  Jonathon pulled his car into the parking lot of the Bayfront Inn. He had dressed in the wide collared shirt with dark vest, sash, leather belt with large buckle and pirate boots he had worn to the party. The buccaneer hat and headwrap with the attached beaded braids rested on the passenger seat.

  He parked, then sat in his car for a minute before making any effort to open the door. While he appreciated her flair and the obvious message in booking room sixty-nine, he couldn’t help but wonder if he was about to make a colossal mistake. He closed his eyes and reveled in the memory of the way her hot tight pussy closed in around his cock, her enthusiastic response, her delicious taste exploding in his mouth. He opened his car door. He wanted another night with his mystery lover.

  And he had to find out who she was.

  He walked the short distance from where he had parked to her room and knocked on the door. It slowly swung open. The sight that greeted him had his cock standing tall and screaming for immediate attention. Everything that had so captured his attention at the costume party again assaulted his senses. And this time there was the added knowledge of exactly what he would find underneath that sexy red dress—what it looked like, how it tasted and how it made him feel.

  A long, low whistle escaped his lips. “Oh, yes, my sexy beauty. Last Saturday was a warm up. Tonight will definitely be a night to remember.”

  “You’re not wearing all your costume.” A hint of disappointment surrounded her words.

  “Since you saw me without my mask last week and obviously know who I am, I didn’t see any reason to don the full regalia. You, however, are still a complete mystery.”

  She stepped aside, allowing him entry to the room. “Please come in, Captain Sparrow. I’m delighted that you decided to accept my invitation.”

  “I’m altering your plans.” Even with her mask covering most of her face, he could see the apprehension dart through her eyes. He didn’t know what was behind any of this other than the obvious incredible sex, but he wasn’t about to allow a stranger to predetermine where they would have their tryst. If there was some sort of ulterior motive behind this, perhaps a hidden camera or something of that sort, he at least wanted control of the place where he intended to spend the entire night fucking his mystery lover. “I’ve taken the liberty of reserving a different room for us just a short walk from this one.”

  A quick moment of panic hit Trish. This was not the way she had intended for the evening to progress. Was her hoped for night of passion beginning to self-destruct right before her eyes? Then he flashed that incredibly sexy smile and her insides melted. He held out his hand toward her and she accepted it.

  He quickly glanced around the inside of the room. “Is there anything here you need to take with you?”

  As she had done a week ago, everything was in the trunk of her car and the doors could be unlocked by the keypad so she didn’t need a key. She finally shook her head when she couldn’t force out any words. Just the feel of his hand grasping hers had her clit tingling in anticipation.

  He led her to a room five doors away from the one she had booked. As soon as he unlocked the door and stepped aside for her to enter, she saw why he had chosen it. It was no ordinary room.

  She had known the caveman room at the inn existed, but had never seen it. Everything about it screamed unbridled hot passion from the round king size bed to the rock walls, the waterfall shower enclosure in the bathroom, the hot tub in front of the wood burning fireplace. The ice bucket containing a bottle of champagne and two glasses next to the bed didn’t escape her attention, either.

  As he had done before, Jonathon put out the Do Not Disturb sign and set the security lock. Then he turned toward her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Please take off your mask. I want to see your face.”

  She brushed his hand aside. “No. As we agreed last time, no—”

  “Not so fast. Last time we also agreed to no names, just two strangers indulging in a fantasy night of passion. Well, it seems that those rules no longer apply. You saw my face, and then I found that you knew my name and where to reach me. Doesn’t it seem a little unfair that you won’t allow me to see your face?”

  “No…not yet.” At that moment, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she had made a huge mistake. If he was determined to remove her mask, there was absolutely nothing she could do to prevent it. Would he honor her request? She held her breath, waiting to see what he would do.

  “All right.” He flashed a grin. “For the time being.”

  Just the sight of that devastatingly sexy smile puckered her nipples, the sensation running all the way down to her already wet pussy. Then his next words told her just how incredible it was going to be.

  “Why don’t you slip out of that gown? I’ve got a hunger gnawing at me that I know you can satisfy.”

  Conversation time was over. As captivating as she was in that red dress, Jonathon wanted her naked on the bed. His cock had been standing at rigid attention from the moment he set eyes on her when she opened the door of the other room.

  He extended a confident smile in an attempt to cover his concerns. “I’ll get rid of my clothes, and we’ll see if we can find something better to do than stand here staring at each other.”

  He pulled off his boots and unbuttoned his shirt, but before taking it off, he opened the champagne and poured two glasses. He handed one to her. When she took it from his hand, he noticed the delicate gold filigree ring she wore on her little finger. It suited her. Beautiful on the surface, yet composed of an intricate pattern too complex to immediately unravel. Just like her…wanton sex kitten or a woman with limited experience pretending to be something she wasn’t?

  He clinked his glass against hers in the form of a toast. “Here’s to another incredible night.”

  She smiled. “Yes, another incredible night.”

  “This time I’ve had a good night’s sleep. No jet lag. No exhaustion to detract from a night of indulging all sort of uninhibited fun. We can fuck until dawn. In fact, we can fuck all day Sunday or until we dissolve into a puddle of total collapse—whichever happens first.”

  They sipped their champagne as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Looks of heated desire promising untold pleasures silently passed between them. Once again there was something familiar about her eyes and her mouth, but he couldn’t place it.

  Then to Jonathon’s delight, his mystery lover assumed control of the moment. She took the empty glass from his hand and set it on the night stand next to her empty glass. Then she pushed him back until he fell onto the bed with his legs dangling over the edge. After slowly lowering his zipper, she reached inside his pants and fondled his balls. The glow in the depth of her eyes immediately told him he was going to enjoy whatever she had in mind. The notion of being
on the receiving end of her unknown intentions was a definite turn on.

  He raised his hips so she could pull off his pants and briefs. His cock sprang free, once again standing tall and proud. And definitely primed for action. Where she had seemed unsure about several things last week, this week she aggressively took the initiative. He didn’t know what happened during the ensuing week, but whatever it was had his complete approval.

  He tossed his shirt on the floor next to his pants and pulled off his socks, all the while watching with fascination as she did a modified striptease for him. This time there was nothing on under the dress. As sexy and exciting as the sight of the red garter belt and sheer black stockings had been, the sight of her totally nude body with the blonde curls decorating her pussy brought a low growl up from the very depths of his primal needs. This time he already knew the many pleasures and intense rapture that existed between those sleek thighs.

  Jonathon may have altered her original plans by changing the location of their rendezvous, but Trish intended to put any and all of her normal inhibitions aside and allow her secret desires to run rampant. She would put to use the new things he had introduced her to the previous week and be the sexy woman she had always dreamed of being. Once her mind let go of her conservative upbringing, bolstered by the security of her anonymity, she allowed her earthy wild desires to take over.

  She ran her hands across the hard planes of his chest, the feel of his bare skin sending waves of need crashing through her body and exciting her senses. She had given it a lot of thought over the last couple of days. She wanted to be on top, to experience what that type of control felt like. To know how much deeper inside her his impressive cock would reach.

  Before mounting him and allowing her hungry pussy to sink onto his beautiful hard shaft, she had to taste him. The memory of his cock inside her mouth, the sensation of her tongue swirling around the head and along his shaft, had tantalized her senses. And even more exciting was the unforgettable first time he flicked his tongue across her clit, then drew it into his mouth. She wanted to know that incendiary moment again, and this time she had the knowledge and confidence to take full advantage of this new and exciting treat.

  “In honor of the room number that I booked…” She turned around and stretched out along the length of his torso with his rigid shaft bobbing in front of her mouth and her muff hovering just above his face. Each ragged breath he expelled against her tender pussy lips sent a delicious tingle of anticipation rippling through her body. She cradled his balls, the texture of the sac feeding into her excitement. This time she knew what was going to happen and what she wanted, the incredible orgasms that would once again be hers. Just the thought had her juices flowing.

  She placed a tender kiss on the very tip of his cock, then licked the drop of salty pre-cum. She trailed her tongue up and down his hard length before taking the head into her mouth. His husky groan of pleasure fed into the quivering delight coursing inside her.

  A moment later, his mouth was on her pussy, sending a hard jolt of ecstasy ricocheting through her body, touching every nerve ending she possessed. She ground her sex against his mouth seeking more and more. Her chest heaved as she gasped for breath. She wrapped her hand around his thick shaft, pumping in tandem with his cock sliding in and out of her mouth. The night had just started and already her pussy was on fire, convulsing in hard contractions of rapture as the intense orgasm convulsed through her body.

  An orgasm that seemed to go on and on. An orgasm that wouldn’t stop. She had never experienced anything like it. Wave after wave crashed through her body. Her mind whirled out of control. She couldn’t think. All she could do was savor the intensity of the exquisite sensations while craving more.

  Jonathon grabbed the rounded globes of her bottom, kneading the firm flesh with his fingers. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The tantalizing fragrance of her sex filled his lungs and charged his arousal. Where last week she had been tentative about sucking his cock, this week she eagerly embraced it. Her tongue…her mouth…the rhythm of her sucking…she quickly drove him to the edge—much quicker than he wanted. He needed to slow her down but couldn’t bring himself to the point where he would back away from her enthusiastic attentions.

  He placed a kiss on her clit, then laved the flat of his tongue across her pussy lips. Her delicious taste exploded in his mouth, a taste he vividly remembered and had craved all week. He felt her gasp as much as heard it. A moment later he drew her engorged clit fully into his mouth and teased it with his tongue before sucking on the delicate treat.

  Jonathon bucked his hips upward as her lips tightened around his shaft. If this was an indication of how the night was going to progress, he seriously doubted that he would live to see the dawn. But it was one hell of a way to go, being fucked to death by an incredibly sexy and beautiful woman. They could put it on his tombstone—death by orgasm, he died with a smile on his face.

  He thrust his tongue as far into her pussy as he could and seductively wiggled it so that it touched her everywhere. He continued to stimulate her clit with his fingers. His balls tightened and pulled up. He had to get her mouth off his cock before he totally lost it. But his next breath told him it was too late.

  His head jerked back into the pillow. His release shuddered deep inside him as hard spasms raced through his body and spurts of semen shot into her mouth.

  She continued to suck his spent organ with the type of intensity that could only be driven by her own highly aroused state. To his surprise and delight, his mystery lover had him hard and primed for action in a matter of minutes. He gasped for air, needing the oxygen but not wanting to abandon the delicious treat so temptingly close to his mouth. Once again he flicked the tip of his tongue against her engorged clit relishing her moans of pleasure as she continued to administer to his cock.

  Trish couldn’t believe her totally wanton behavior, but it felt so good to let go of any and all inhibitions. Carnal pleasure was the rule for the night. If it promised to send orgasmic waves through her body, then she wanted to do it. She wanted to experience all she could. And she wanted to experience it with Jonathon Rutledge.

  Her pussy continued to quiver and convulse with each flick of his tongue. His cock was once again hard, thick and long. She felt the life pulse through it, then allowed his length to slip from her mouth.

  She quickly turned around and straddled his hips. As she fought to catch her breath, he grabbed a packet, ripped it open and rolled the condom on his stiff shaft. A lascivious grin tugged at his mouth, the same mouth that had so thoroughly and deliciously ravaged her most intimate of places sending her into a series of glorious orgasms. Lust and primal need burned in the depths of his eyes. Her tautly puckered nipples ached with a need to be touched. As if reading her mind, he cupped her breasts in his hands and pulled her forward until he was able to draw one of the hard buds into his mouth.

  She closed her eyes and purred softly as he suckled. It was a warm sensation that conveyed contentment, but she wanted more. She wanted his magnificent cock buried deep inside her, as deep as it could go.

  Without disturbing the wonderful sensation his suckling provided, she wrapped her hand around his shaft and guided his hard sex to her pussy. Slowly…oh, so slowly…she inched her way down onto his rigid cock. His girth stretched and filled her, his length going farther and farther until it found the deepest reaches of her tunnel. His coarse thatch of pubic hair tickled her highly stimulated clit.

  The depth of his penetration, her clit rubbing against him—never had she imagined anything could be so incredible. Her pussy walls grabbed his shaft, the contractions beginning the moment she started to rock back and forth. Once again the sensations washed over her, elevating her to a level of rapture more powerful than anything she had ever known.

  The night of pleasure continued, the air thick with a heady mixture of the aroma and sounds of sex. Trish wanted to get rid of her mask. It was in the way and had almost come off during one particularly en
ergetic coupling. But she didn’t dare. No matter how fogged her mind became, no matter how scattered her thoughts, no matter how delicious the exquisite pleasure, she did not lose sight of the one absolute—under no circumstances could she allow him to know her identity. Was there any way she would be able to lure him to a third Saturday night of uninhibited hot sex and still be able to preserve her anonymity?

  Her thoughts were interrupted when he urged her to roll onto her stomach, pull her legs up and spread them wide apart. A tremor of anxiety darted through her, putting a momentary damper on her heightened state of arousal. She wasn’t sure what he planned.

  She heard him rip open the condom packet, then a moment later his cock head probed at her pussy mouth from behind. He reached around her and expertly manipulated her throbbing clit with his fingers, again propelling her toward the ongoing orgasms that had consumed her the entire evening.

  He shoved into her until he had his cock embedded all the way inside her hot wet tunnel. The angle, the direction, having him enter her from behind provided a whole new sensory arena to explore. She automatically pushed back against him in response, wiggling her ass to show her delight and excitement.

  He thrust in and out with long sure strokes, which quickly became short hard jabs as he rushed toward his release. He gave up all pretense of trying to make it last. Her pussy muscles grabbed and squeezed his shaft as her orgasmic contractions continued to claim her. A moment later, his body shuddered. He took one last hard plunge to bury his cock deep inside her. He reached around and grabbed her breasts as he fell forward against her, his chest heaving and his heart pounding.

  The spasms rippled through his body. He gulped in several deep breaths. He finally managed to pull his spent cock out of her tight pussy then collapsed back on the bed. He forced the words that came out in a husky whisper. “My sexy vixen…I think we need to take a breather and have some champagne.”

  After a few minutes of rest, Jonathon disposed of the used condoms and condom wrappers, each one evoking memories of sex so intense it should have scorched the sheets. The time had arrived for cuddling, softness, gentle play and perhaps a renewed attempt to discover who she was.