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Erotic Encounters Page 14

  “Ah ha…that explains a lot.”

  Her body stiffened. The sensual blanket covering her had been ripped away in the blink of an eye. She took a quick step backward to put some distance between her and the mesmerizing aura that emanated from him. “And just exactly what is that supposed to mean?”

  Once again the sparks of conflict flew between them. “I don’t think it meant anything. It was merely an observation. You’ve been resistant to even the slightest suggestion—”

  “Suggestion?” The shock of his words jolted through her. Her anger flared. “You weren’t making suggestions. You were demanding impulsive changes to carefully constructed plans based on nothing more than your whim. Days of hard work down the tubes just because you like the color green better than blue—”

  His mouth came down hard on hers, not only stilling her words but also driving the thoughts out of her mind. He wrapped her in his embrace, holding her tightly to him. She felt the heat of his passion, an intensity that singed every corner of her reality.

  She had been on the receiving end of her share of hot kisses, but nothing like this. It was almost as if her arms had a will of their own as they encircled his neck. She returned his kiss. Her entire being trembled with excitement. Never had anyone so thoroughly grabbed her senses with only a kiss. Her pulse raced. Desire quivered inside her pussy.

  The sexiest smile she had ever seen had not been misleading. It belonged to the sexiest man she had ever encountered, a man who had her mind swirling in a cloud of confusion and her body vibrantly alive with both longing and need.

  Without warning, he broke off the kiss. He placed his hands on her shoulders and stepped back at arm’s length. His gaze almost burned into her as if he were searching for some hidden answer to an even deeper question.

  “Before this goes any farther, we need to get something straight.” His voice carried a husky quality, and a hint of uncertainty surrounded his words. “We have a very unusual situation here. Neither one of us has the availability of turning around and walking out the door, getting in a car and driving away. We are both confined to this building until the storm lifts enough to get the roads open. The temptation goes without saying.”

  He paused as if trying to collect his thoughts. “I think I’ve already made my desires known. But I don’t want the circumstances to dictate your actions. I have one very definite rule that I never break. Both people agree and want the same thing or it doesn’t happen. And that goes double for now. If you feel in any way that you’re being coerced or are uncomfortable all you have to do is say so and that will be the end of it. It’s your call.”

  She tried to collect her thoughts. Until he broke off the kiss, she had been totally mesmerized and ready to go along with anything he wanted. But now that he had given her the opportunity to think, she said the first thought that had come into her mind.

  “I admire your directness and appreciate you not trying to press an advantage that could make things very awkward. You’re right. This is an extremely unusual situation. Maybe the thing to do is take it a little slower. We’ve been at odds for five days and you’ve been behaving like an arrogant ass, but since this storm hit you’ve been the epitome of politeness and charm. I think I’d like an opportunity to meet the person who must be somewhere between those two extremes.”

  “That’s very level-headed, very logical.” He flashed another devastatingly sexy smile. “It wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear, but it’s certainly something I can accept. So, when you think you know that person who lives between those extremes well enough, let me know. Until then…” His gaze delved into the depths of her eyes. “Well…I can take no for an answer, but I can’t make any promises about being able to stay one hundred percent on my good behavior.”

  “Fair enough. I’ve been warned.” She had never participated in a more bizarre exchange. On one hand, it was the most honest and straight forward conversation about having sex she had ever been involved in. But on the other hand, it almost seemed impersonal, too matter-of-fact. Mechanical rather than physical or emotional. She believed what he told her, if she said no, he would respect it. She also knew her pussy throbbed from the all-too-brief kiss that curled her toes and generated enough heat to melt the snow outside the door.

  But what about Gage Brennan? Was this type of spontaneous behavior nothing more than business as usual for him? Was it something that didn’t mean any more than a hot fuck in the back seat of a car or a one night stand? She had been away from the dating scene for seven years—six years of marriage followed by one year of sexless divorce.

  Truth be known, she just hadn’t met anyone since her divorce who grabbed her attention. No one had made her cream her panties. No one had made her pulse race. No one had kissed her with a heated passion that flowed through her entire body setting off sparks of wanton desire.

  No one…until now.

  She tried to settle the nervousness jittering inside her but without much success. She cleared her throat. “So…tell me about yourself.”

  He stepped in closer, until their bodies were almost touching again. “What would you like to know?”

  “Everything.” Her breathless reply told her just how much of an impact this sexy man had on her.

  “I’m thirty-nine years old.” His words tickled across her cheek. “My wife and I have been legally separated for three years and would have been divorced two years and eleven months ago if we could have agreed on a settlement.”

  Gage touched her hair and breathed in the spicy fragrance of her perfume. “I don’t think this hands off thing is going to work.” His words sounded raspy, even to his own ear.

  “I don’t think so, either.” Her words were barely audible.

  His mouth came down on hers, infusing her with all the passion coursing through his body. He tasted her sweetness, a treat that whetted his appetite for more…a lot more. He wanted it all. The feel of his cock buried deep inside her. The burning intensity of her pussy muscles kneading his hard shaft as he shuttled in and out. The sensation of her lips wrapped around his hardness. The heat radiating from her pussy to his face as he sucked on her clit. He wanted to know every inch of her body, then he wanted to get to know it all over again.

  For the last few days just being in the same room with her had nearly driven him to distraction. It had a lot to do with the testy attitude he displayed toward her. It was more a defense mechanism to protect his vulnerability than anything else. But the time for defensiveness was over.

  No doubt about it. The hands off agreement was history. He tangled his fingers in the silky strands of her hair. He had never met a woman who so immediately set his libido on fire and made his cock twitch. He tentatively probed between her lips with his tongue.

  After a moment’s hesitation, she opened her mouth to accept the intrusion. He twined his tongue with hers, thrusting it into her mouth the same way he wanted to thrust his cock into her pussy. He pulled her tighter against him. Even with the barrier of heavy winter clothing, the feel of her breasts pressed against his chest as they rose and fell with her ragged breathing excited his need and fed his hunger. On more than one occasion, he had fantasized about her naked body writhing beneath him in orgasmic rapture. Was his fantasy about to become reality?

  His arousal had grown to full erection. He ran his hand down her back, then up underneath her sweatshirt. He slid his hand across her bare skin, confirming what he already knew—she wasn’t wearing a bra. He moved his hand around her rib cage until he was able to fondle the fullness of her breast and tease her puckered nipple. A throaty moan of pleasure filled the air, but he wasn’t sure whether it had come from her or from him. Perhaps both of them.

  He pulled his mouth away from hers. Her slightly parted, kiss-swollen lips tugged at every lustful thought that had ever gone through his mind. He took a calming breath in an attempt to restore his equilibrium. She had been too close, too tempting. He hadn’t been able to resist the urge to kiss her, but he had not been prepared
for the impact it had on the few remaining threads of his self-control.

  “Let’s move this to my suite unless you want to fuck right here and now on the lobby floor.” His words came out as a breathless rasp.

  A ringing sound came from his pocket, the cell phone demanding his attention. “Damn!” He pulled his hand from her breast as he momentarily rested his cheek against the top of her head. “Fucking damn phone.” He pulled it from his pocket, checked the caller ID, then flipped it open.


  “I have a new update from the divorce front. Once again, money is the central theme.”

  He listened intently, clenching his jaw in anger as his attorney gave him the bad news. “Not a chance. Tell her and that shyster bastard she calls an attorney that hell will freeze over before I give her control of any of my companies. I came home and found my wife in my bed fucking her brains out with not just one man, but two. No way am I going to pay her for that. I made her a generous offer. In fact, it was more than generous, all things considered. That’s all there is. There won’t be any more.” He glanced out the window. Perhaps he should have worded that differently. From the look of things hell could possibly be in the process of freezing as he spoke.

  As Gage continued his phone conversation, Afton managed to slip out of his embrace. She put some physical distance between her and this very disconcerting man who made her pulse race and her heart pound with excitement. What she had heard definitely touched a sympathetic spot inside her.

  So, they each had baggage and issues left over from a bad marriage. She had an overbearing and controlling husband and he had a cheating wife. Did that give them something in common? Some sort of neutral ground where they could build something new?

  She shook her head. What the hell was she thinking? He was a very sexy man whose kisses curled her toes. That was all there was to it. An intense physical attraction that made her neglected pussy pulse with need. And the feel of his erection as it pressed against her hip told her he was certainly equipped to satisfy that need.

  An abstract thought invaded her mind, one that seemed to gain momentum with each passing second. A very short-lived affair with a sexy man she barely knew while trapped at a ski lodge in a snowstorm. A no-strings-attached sexathon. Something to satisfy that itch between her legs.

  Did she dare engage in such outrageous behavior? Being promiscuous was not her style. If she was the type who hopped into the sack with every man who crossed her path, she wouldn’t have the itch that was in bad need of being satisfied. Once the roads were cleared they would go their separate ways—a steamy encounter would satisfy all her pent up sexual tension and frustrations but wouldn’t interfere with her life or her career.

  She glanced toward Gage who was still involved with his phone call. She wandered toward the French doors that led from the lobby to the enclosed swimming pool and the adjacent pond fed from the hot springs. At the far end of the stone lined pond was a small waterfall cascading over natural rock. The springs maintained a constant year round temperature of one hundred three degrees. Beyond that, the large expanses of glass gave a breathtaking view of the mountains and the forest. And at that moment, a view of the overabundance of snow.

  She took off her shoes and socks, rolled the legs of her sweatpants up to her knees and sat on one of the boulders edging the pond. She dangled her legs in the water, the gentle swirl completely different from the intensity of the large spa with all of its air jets.

  “Let’s see…where were we before that phone call so rudely interrupted us?”

  His voice startled her. She didn’t know how long she had been sitting there, lost in thought. She quickly looked around and saw him standing behind her. “You’re very good at that, walking up behind someone without making any noise.”

  “Quite the contrary. You were so engrossed in your own thoughts you failed to hear me.” He kneeled down next to her, cocked his head and shot a curious look in her direction. “What had your attention so focused?”

  Afton sat there like a bump on a log, staring into his eyes without answering his question. She wanted to say something but couldn’t force out any words. Once again the mesmerizing pull of his blue eyes grabbed hold of her and refused to let go.

  At that moment, whatever he wanted she would gladly have given and that most definitely included having their naked bodies tangled together in hot passion. Her pulse quickened at the thought. Another rush of moisture soaked her panties. That nagging itch became so insistent that she had difficulty sitting still. Her pussy cried out for attention even if it was only from her vibrator, but her vibrator was definitely not her first choice.

  He leaned his face very close to hers. “Oh…I guess you were thinking about a personal matter that you don’t want to talk about.”

  Before she could respond, he captured her mouth again with a searing intensity that sent sparks shooting through her body. She wanted his cock inside her and she wanted it now. Her hands went to his chest. She felt the hard-muscled planes through the soft cashmere of his sweater. He surely had to be the sexiest man alive. The very air surrounding them crackled with sexual energy. Her pussy throbbed. She shifted her weight so she could rub her clit against the boulder she was sitting on in an attempt to scratch a little bit of that sexual craving.

  It was as if he had read her mind and noticed the way she squirmed. “Let me help you with that.” His husky words matched her ragged breathing. He worked his hand inside the elastic waistband of her sweatpants. He scraped his fingers across her muff, then dipped a fingertip between her pussy lips into the moist heat. A sharp jolt ricocheted through her body. He shoved his finger all the way inside her as he thrust his tongue into her mouth.

  The combination set her on fire. She both heard and felt the moan of pleasure leave her throat. An involuntary pelvic thrust shoved her pussy against his hand. She reached for his crotch and found his erection straining against the front of his jeans. He was as hard as she was wet. She rubbed the outside of his jeans, then lowered the zipper and wiggled her hand inside until she could cradle his balls through the cotton fabric of his briefs. His sensual groan filled her mouth. He added a second finger in her pussy while stimulating her clit with his thumb.

  The delicious waves of excitement swirled around inside her. She couldn’t have stayed still even if her life depended on it. She thrust her pussy against his hand with the same rhythm he had set with his fingers. It had been much too long since she had an orgasm that didn’t involve her vibrator. His attentions pushed her closer and closer to the edge much faster than she wanted. Then it began—the contractions inside her pussy, the convulsions deep inside her body.

  The delicious waves of ecstasy. She threw her head back, momentarily breaking off the kiss.

  Gage had never seen a face more exquisite or more desirable while in the throes of orgasm. Her eyelids fluttered shut. A flush of sexual excitement spread across her cheeks. Her chest heaved as she gulped in each breath. The sight of her parted lips, wet and kiss-swollen, sent an additional surge through his cock. He hadn’t been prepared for her to climax so quickly. Moving his fingers through her folds, he spread her juices along the edges of her pussy lips and over her sensitive clit while trying to bring his labored breathing under control.

  She slowly opened her eyes. The fires of passion burned in their emerald depths. It upped his level of arousal by several degrees. She withdrew her hand from inside his jeans, instilling a sudden sense of loss. His hard cock throbbed, begging for more attention.

  He had been vaguely aware of how precariously she was perched on the edge of the boulder. The reality hit him full force when she lost her balance. He tried to jerk his hand from inside her sweatpants but ended up tangled in her panties instead. A moment of panic hit as she grabbed his arm in an attempt to keep from falling. His valiant attempt to hold on to her came too late. They tumbled into the pond, hitting the water with a loud splash that echoed off the glass walls.

  After several tri
es, he managed to free his hand from its entanglement. They struggled to find their footing on the bottom on the pond, finally regaining their balance in the waist deep water of the natural hot springs. Gazes locked together for several seconds, neither sure of what to do. The ambiance changed swiftly from shock to realization and confusion, culminating in laughter.

  “I was about to say that was a quick way to dampen the mood, but decided against it.” He smoothed her wet hair away from her face and noted the way her wet sweatshirt clung to the curve of her breasts.

  Afton returned his teasing grin. “Yes, I believe dampen is the operative word.”

  His manner turned serious. “Perhaps we should get out of these wet clothes…” A shortness of breath grabbed at him. He tried to get his thoughts straight, but it was no use. Pulling her body to him, he brought his mouth down on hers. His tongue invaded the intimate recesses. She opened her mouth to his overture and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her immediate response fueled his already heated desires.

  After what seemed like several minutes, he finally broke off the delicious kiss. “We either get out of this pond and go to my suite, or we get out of our clothes and toss them on the surrounding rocks. Now that we’ve sampled the appetizer, I think it’s time we moved on to the main course.”

  “It would be foolish of me to object at this point after we’ve just—”

  He froze for a second, then quickly but reluctantly turned loose of her. Her words hit him hard and left him uncertain. “Do you have objections? If so, now would be the time to say so.”

  A bit of a shy smile turned the corners of her mouth. “No…no objections.”

  Gage climbed up the stone steps, then extended his hand to help Afton out of the pond. Water dripped from their clothes, creating a large puddle around their feet. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket. “I suppose I need to get this thing dried out and see if it still works.”