Deja Vu Read online

Page 17

  Prescott stopped walking and eyed Brian with a sharp stare. “And what did you tell him?”

  “Well…uh, I said what you told me to. That maybe it was Hollingsworth who killed them and he was probably killed by the brother. Mr. Talbot didn’t say much other than for me to keep a sharp eye on the monitors because he anticipated several attempts by people trying to sneak on the island.” Brian glanced at his watch. “We need to hurry, Mr. Prescott.”

  “What’s that?” J.D. Prescott pointed toward the Victorian mansion. “Why are there lights on inside? Is someone working on party preparations?”

  “Not that I’m aware of. Mr. Talbot said he installed added security at the mansion and had lights on timers to come on and go off in various rooms at random times. Starting tomorrow there will be activity in the mansion. The caterer will be inspecting the kitchen facilities and Mr. Talbot will have people setting up for the party.”

  Prescott continued to stare at the mansion for several seconds before returning his attention to Brian. “You’re sure no one is staying in the mansion?”

  “Everyone on the island is accounted for. You are the only unknown person here. There is one more thing, though. I can’t prove it, but I think Talbot and the Caldwell woman are sleeping together. They’ve been cautious, but not careful enough.”

  “An affair? Well, that was quick work on someone’s part. Do you know which one of them initiated it?”

  “No, sir. As I said, I don’t have any proof. It’s not like I’ve seen them with their tongues down each other’s throats or one of them sneaking out of the other one’s bedroom before sunrise.”

  “Well, that’s an interesting bit of information for me to file away.”

  “I have to apologize for the size of my quarters, but there’s nowhere else for you to stay where you’ll be out of sight.”

  “Yes, I understand.”

  Brian led Prescott to the building behind Gable’s house being used as temporary housing for the security guards, each guard having a bedroom with sitting alcove and private bath. As soon as he had Prescott settled in, he returned to the security office inside Gable’s house.

  Ralph looked up as Brian entered. “What are you doing here? Is there a problem of some kind?”

  “No…just checking in to make sure everything was quiet. Mr. Talbot was concerned that all the publicity in the last day or two would result in increased attempts by the media to get on the island.”

  “Everything is quiet here. Mr. Talbot, Miss Caldwell, and that author fellow have been in the den since dinner. I believe Mr. Talbot said they were working on plans for the costume party.” Ralph took a large swallow from his coffee mug followed by a grimace. “Damn…I hate cold coffee.”

  Ralph dumped the remaining coffee from his mug and refilled it with fresh from the coffee pot. Settling back in his chair, he took a sip of the hot coffee then continued. “From what I’ve heard, the party sounds like it’s going to be quite an elaborate function.”

  “It’s supposed to duplicate the original party from thirty years ago, back when the power brokers of the time all gathered here for social occasions. It must have really been something back in those days. Have you ever taken a really good look inside the mansion? High dollar all the way.”

  Brian stayed a couple of minutes longer until he was convinced Ralph didn’t suspect anything, then headed toward the den so he could get a handle on what was going on with the imposter and report back to Prescott.

  He stuck his head in the door. “Everything all right in here, Mr. Talbot?”

  Gable looked up at the intrusion. “Yes…everything is fine. We’re nailing down the details for the costume party.” He straightened and took a couple of steps toward the door. “The caterer will be here at ten o’clock in the morning to check the kitchen and serving facilities in the mansion. He’ll be bringing a three man work crew with him to start setting up. That should already be noted on your log for tomorrow.”

  “Yes, sir. Will there be anything else tonight?”

  “Not a thing, Brian. Thank you.”

  Gable watched as Brian left the den, then turned his attention back to Lexi and the imposter. He caught the fleeting look of curiosity that darted across her face. “Sorry about the interruption. Now, where were we?”

  They worked for two more hours, then decided to call it a night. Gable suggested a drink before retiring for the evening. The three of them went to the bar. Gable kept the conversation to superficial topics, aware that either Hank or Dolly or Brian could easily be listening…possibly all three of them.

  “Well, Mr. Prescott. You communicated to Lexi that you intended to make a special announcement at the party. Exactly what is it you plan to say?”

  “I want it to be a surprise. I don’t want anyone getting wind of it before I have my say.” He eyed Gable with a hint of caution. “Do you have a problem with that?”

  “Well, frankly…I do. This is my private residence. The entire island is private property. If you intend to make some sort of formal announcement that will have an adverse impact on me or my property, I have the right to know what it is otherwise I might refuse to allow it.”

  The imposter visibly bristled at Gable’s harsh words. “You can’t keep me from making a statement to the press.”

  “You’re right, but I can prevent you from doing it here and creating more of a three ring circus than already exists. In other words, Mr. Prescott…I can kick your ass off my island any time I choose without danger of repercussions.”

  A moment of panic darted through the imposter’s eyes as he visibly tried to gather his composure and smooth over what Gable had purposely turned into an awkward confrontation. Gable could tell from Lexi’s expression that she wasn’t sure what he was up to, but was enjoying his manipulation of the situation.

  A forced chuckle escaped the imposter’s throat as he awkwardly shifted his position on the bar stool. “Really now, Mr. Talbot…uh, Gable…I don’t want to create a problematic situation here. I simply thought we could do each other some good. I’ve uncovered the solution to what really happened here thirty years ago. I can use it to promote my book and you could use the resulting publicity to promote your resort.”

  “And you thought sensationalizing a multiple murder would be the best way of promoting a family resort?”

  “Sensationalizing a multiple murder? That’s certainly not my intention. I plan to offer my help to the authorities in the form of a solution to the murders so they can finally close the case.”

  Gable tilted his head as he raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner. “And just what would that solution be?”

  “Look, let’s compromise on this. I’ll provide you with a written copy of my statement prior to the party. How about that? You’ll know what I’m going to say even before the authorities do.”

  There was no mistaking the stress level in the imposter’s voice. He was doing a much better job of playing his part than Brian, but he had not been coached on all the possibilities of where the conversation could go and how to handle them. “Let me think about that. I’ll give you my decision at breakfast in the morning.”

  “Well, that seems fair. And maybe you will be good enough to let me know what it is you plan to announce?”

  “And what makes you think I’m planning to make an announcement?”

  “Well…it seems like the logical thing for you to do since I’m making a statement to the press. I want to make sure we aren’t conflicting each other.”

  Lexi paid close attention to the back and forth verbal sparring between Gable and the man claiming to be J.D. Prescott. She could tell Gable was baiting him, but she didn’t know exactly why. Whatever the reason, Gable must have been satisfied with the results because he let it drop and turned the conversation to routine matters.

  “Tell me, Mr. Prescott…”

  “Yes, Lexi? What is it?”

  “We’ve gone over the costume list of the invited guests and all those attending have ag
reed to wear the same type of costume they wore thirty years ago. Gable thought it would be interesting if he and I wore the same costumes that Winthrop and Evelyn wore that night. What costume do you plan to wear?”

  Another forced chuckle greeted her question, although this one didn’t seem as uncomfortable. “I was thinking about wearing a Stephen King mask, but decided against it. I finally settled on a cowboy outfit.”

  She jerked to attention. A cowboy? With gun belt, holsters…and loaded six-shooters? “That should be fun. The traditional cowboy hat, chaps, vest, and boots? Are you going to be the good cowboy sheriff or the bad cowboy bank robber?”

  “I’m prepared for either choice, but I haven’t made the decision yet.” The imposter glanced at his watch. “I’ve had a long day and it’s three hours later on the East Coast where I started out this morning. So, if you’ll both excuse me, I think I’ll turn in for the night.”

  He eased off the bar stool and extended his hand toward Gable. “Thank you for your hospitality.” Then he turned his attention toward Lexi. “It was a pleasure to finally meet you. I want to go over your research information in the morning so I can put the finishing touches to my statement for the press.”

  “Of course, Mr. Prescott. Good night.” She watched as the imposter left the bar to return to his guest room.

  As soon as he was out of sight, she turned to Gable. “Did you catch the bit about his costume? A cowboy means a gun belt—”

  “Sh.” He placed his fingers against her lips. “Later.”

  Gable and Lexi gathered the paperwork from their meeting with the Prescott imposter and locked it in the office, then headed for his bedroom suite. Once behind closed doors, he pulled her into his arms and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

  “Yes, I heard the cowboy bit. I’ll have to make sure he doesn’t have any live ammunition in those six-shooters…just in case. I also noticed that the man claiming to be Prescott was much too young. I took the liberty of searching his room while you had him occupied in the den and after I made sure Brian was staying in the security office.”

  She waited for him to continue. When he didn’t say anything else she gave him an affectionate swat on the rear end. “And?”

  A teasing grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Oh…you mean you want to know what I found?”

  “Of course I do!”

  A soft laugh accompanied the quick kiss he brushed against her lips. “According to the identification he had tucked away in his suitcase, his name is Hal Bentley and he’s an actor.”

  “An actor? I never heard of him and I didn’t recognize his face.”

  “Even though he’s fifty-one years old, he’s only a struggling actor whose experience is limited to Off-Broadway productions. Prescott chose carefully in picking someone who needed the money, could play a part, and whose face and name wouldn’t be known to either you or me. After giving it some thought, I have to admit it was a logical and necessary move for Prescott to make. Most of the people attending the party knew Winthrop and even with the passing of thirty years, they would most likely be able to recognize him. He couldn’t take that chance. So, when I pressured him to be here, he had to provide an imposter in his place. And to further distance himself from the about-to-be-public persona of J.D. Prescott, he chose a mature yet younger man to play the part.”

  “But Winthrop has to show up. He can’t afford not to have his hand in what’s happening here. His very life literally depends on him not being unmasked and that includes someone unmasking his imposter. It’s an area where he can make an attempt at maintaining control.”

  “I know. In fact, I wouldn’t be overly shocked to find that Prescott is already on the island and Brian has him hidden away somewhere. I could do a surprise inspection of his living quarters, but not without tipping our hand. And there’s still Hank and Dolly as part of the equation, too. And the big unanswered question…does Brian know Prescott is really Winthrop Hollingsworth and do Hank and Dolly know Winthrop’s new identity as J.D. Prescott?”

  “How do we go about proving any of what we suspect?”

  Gable took a steadying breath, hoping it would calm his nerves. He felt sure Lexi wasn’t going to be happy with what he had to say next, but the plan he and Uncle Robert had meticulously worked out was already in play. It was their best chance at being able to unmask the real Winthrop Hollingsworth and make him pay for his crimes.

  He threaded his fingers through the silky strands of her hair and cradled her head against his shoulder. When all of this was over…when the future was once again a clean slate to be filled in with all the possibilities, a future that he hoped would include Lexi, but for now…

  “First thing in the morning I’ll be making a statement to the press. I’m going to admit my true identity and say that I’ve given a DNA sample to the sheriff’s department to confirm my relationship to the second skeleton. Then I’m going to accuse Winthrop Hollingsworth of murdering both my father and Evelyn and claim he has been living under a new identity for all these years. My statement will say that I intend to expose him and prove he’s a cold blooded killer, something that will happen at the recreation of the party where the original crime was committed.”

  The alarm covered her face. “But that puts you in extreme danger.”

  He tried to force a casual smile and manner. “As they say…no pain, no gain.”

  An angry scowl distorted Lexi’s features. “Stop talking like an idiot. You can’t put yourself in that kind of danger. If anything happens to you, the entire plan goes down the drain. All you’ve worked for—”

  “Nothing is going to happen to me.” He tightened his hold on her, needing the closeness and comfort.

  “I promise you, Lexi. Everything is going to be okay. I can’t divulge all the details. Uncle Robert and I—”

  “I know. You’ve given your word and I respect that. But it doesn’t mean I’m happy about the situation.”

  “I know.” He trusted her, absolutely and completely. That wasn’t the problem. More than anything he wanted to be able to share everything with her. But his promise…his sacred word that had been in play for years…could not be compromised without Robert’s permission. And his uncle had been reluctant to allow him to share the most intimate and carefully guarded details of their plan.

  “If you get yourself hurt, if anything happens to you I’ll…” her voice trailed off. She couldn’t bring herself to finish the sentence. If anything happened to him she knew part of her would die.

  He continued to speak, but his words did not comfort her even though his voice was soothing. “If stepping forward and giving my true identity doesn’t stir up a hornet’s nest, then I don’t know what will. That’s going to force Prescott into doing something for sure. He can’t afford to have Jack Stinson’s son running around making accusations. Whatever Prescott planned to announce at the party will be drastically overshadowed when the press hears what I have to say.”

  Skepticism surrounded her words. “Don’t you think that sounds just a tad theatrical?”

  “Hollingsworth turned himself into J.D. Prescott and has surrounded his entire life with the theatrical ranging from becoming the author of horror novels to the reclusive persona he created. Even his insistence on recreating the party from the night of the disappearances reeks of the theatrical. The one thing he can’t allow is for Jack Stinson’s son to present surprising new information in the case.”

  Gable placed a tender kiss on her cheek. “Whatever claims the imposter has been instructed to make about the case won’t be worth anything. Not only will Prescott need to alter his plan, he’ll need to do it on the fly while remaining in hiding on Skull Island which will drastically curtail his movements. And if he’s as clever as I think he is, he’ll assume any and all cell phone and computer communication to and from this island can be monitored and even terminated if I choose. That leaves him with a maximum of four cohorts if we include his hired actor who probably thinks he’s nothing more tha
n a player in one of J.D. Prescott’s works of fiction and has no knowledge of what’s really going on.”

  “What about Deputy Lansing? How is he going to take this news? He probably won’t be too pleased to learn who you really are and how you’ve been manipulating things right under his nose.”

  “I apprised Bud of that when we met this afternoon. You’re right. He was not pleased that I had kept things from him, but understands why.”

  “Did you tell him everything? Introduce him to your uncle Robert?”

  “No. Uncle Robert is my secret weapon. However, I do need to bring Bud up to date on another development. I didn’t know about Prescott’s imposter until after my meeting with Bud. I want him to run a background check on Hal Bentley to confirm he’s nothing more than an out-of-work actor hired by Prescott.”

  “Did you tell Bud about Prescott and Winthrop Hollingsworth being one and the same person?”

  “No. I don’t have any proof yet and won’t until he comes out of hiding. And that, if all goes according to plan, should be at the party.”

  Lexi wrapped her arms around his waist as she slowly shook her head. “I sure hope you know what you’re doing.”


  Deputy Bud Lansing looked out at the stunned expressions of the assembled members of the media. “That concludes Mr. Talbot’s statement. Thank you ladies and gentlemen.”

  “A question Deputy Lansing, if you please.”

  Bud leveled a dubious stare at the tabloid reporter Gable had charged with trespassing. “I thought I made it clear that I’m not holding a press conference. I’m merely presenting Mr. Talbot’s statement and confirming that we have received the DNA sample from him and are processing it.”

  “Perhaps I misspoke.” Tom Jackson’s lip curled in a sneer. A self-satisfied smirk covered his face. “I don’t have a question, I have a comment. I believe it’s blatantly obvious that the great Gable Talbot…or whatever his name is this week…is using the sheriff’s office to promote his personal agenda and you seem to be happily ensconced in his back pocket. Just how much money is he paying you to do his bidding?”