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Erotic Encounters Page 8

  “Jonathon.” Marty Collins stuck out his hand in greeting. “Good to see you. I wasn’t sure you were going to make it.”

  “I wasn’t sure, either.” He shoved his mask up on his forehead, then shook hands with Marty. “I had to fly to London to salvage a business deal that was about to fall apart. I just got back night before last. I didn’t want to miss the festivities.” He scanned the room, noting everything that came across his line of sight. “This is quite a shindig you’ve thrown. It’s been a long time since I attended a costume party.”

  “I had a lot of social obligations I owed to various business associates, so I decided to take care of all of them at once by renting the hotel ballroom and throwing a lavish masked ball.”

  Marty scrutinized Jonathon’s costume from the buccaneer hat and head wrap bandana with attached beaded braids, the long-sleeved shirt with wide collar topped by the leather vest, the cutlass hanging from the leather belt, on down to the black boots. “Captain Jack Sparrow, I presume?” An amused grin spread across his face. “Aren’t you a little off course? We’re nowhere near the Caribbean.”

  “This was my second choice.” A sly grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “I had planned to wear just the mask and a pair of black socks while sporting an impressive erection and claim I was dressed as a porn star.”

  Jonathon glanced toward the French doors leading to the large balcony. The rain continued to pound against the glass without any sign of let up. “Unfortunately the weather turned cold. I decided a black mask and black socks with only a cock cozy to keep me warm wouldn’t have been appropriate even if the cock cozy looked like a hot dog bun.”

  Marty’s appreciative laugh filled the air. “Well, if anyone could get away with something like that, it would be you.”

  Jonathon grabbed a glass of champagne from the tray as the waiter passed by. “Of course,” he indicated the stunning blonde vision across the room, “that’s a body that would have kept the blood rushing hot and my soldier standing at full attention no matter how cold the weather was.” A twitch in his groin told him just how accurate that statement had been. He took a swallow from his glass as he watched the object of his fascination for a moment.

  “So, tell me, Marty…who is she and why haven’t I ever seen her before? One doesn’t forget a body like that. Have you been keeping her all for yourself?” Jonathon gave his friend a teasing wink. “Does your wife know about her?”

  A slight frown crossed Marty’s face. “I have no idea who she is. I had assumed she was someone’s date, but she doesn’t seem to be with anyone in particular. She’s danced with several people but never the same man twice. She appears to be here solo.”

  Jonathon pulled himself up to his full six foot-two inch height, squared his broad shoulders and pulled his mask back into place. “Don’t concern yourself with this problem. I’ll get to the bottom of this or my name isn’t Captain Jack Sparrow.” The bottom, the top, the front, the back, that most desirable place nestled between those incredible legs…

  He placed his empty champagne glass on a tray, grabbed two full glasses and carried them across the room.

  “Allow me to introduce myself. Captain Jack Sparrow at your service.” He handed her one of the glasses of champagne, gave a courtly bow, and took her hand in his. Rather than kissing the back of her hand, he kissed the inside of her wrist. The heat of her blood rushing through her veins warmed his lips. “May I ask what such a demure, innocent maiden is doing here all by herself?”

  Her gaze slowly traveled from the top of his hat down to his boots, then back to his face. He could see the sparkle in her blue eyes and her delicious looking mouth, but the rest of her face remained hidden behind her mask.

  There was something vaguely familiar about her eyes and mouth, but he couldn’t place where he’d seen them or who they belonged to. Or even whether it was real or just his imagination. An image popped into his mind, a picture of his rigid cock sliding in and out of that delicious looking mouth with her perfect lips forming a seal around his shaft.

  She ran the tip of her tongue across her upper lip. “Tell me, Captain Sparrow,” she dropped her voice to a seductive whisper, “what makes you think I’m so innocent?”

  His breath caught in his lungs. A tightness pulled across his chest. An incendiary wave of pure lust swept through his body and settled in his groin. If she was trying to entice him, she was wasting her time. He was already aroused, his burgeoning erection starting to strain against the front of his trousers.

  He flashed his most charming smile. “That sounds like an interesting topic of conversation.” He wasn’t pleased with the slight huskiness that clung to his words, something he believed showed a lack of control on his part. “Would you like to go someplace quiet so we can discuss it? Thoroughly delve into every facet of innocence versus reality?”

  She returned his smile. “It would be my pleasure.”

  “I hope so because I know it’s going to be mine.” He placed his hand at the small of her back, his fingers coming in contact with bare skin. His arousal stiffened, well on its way to being a full hard erection. It took all his will power to keep from moving his hand lower and skimming it inside her dress until he could cup the round globes of her ass. He pressed gently against her back to direct her toward the door.

  They walked down the hall to the elevators. Just being near her kept his cock standing up and demanding attention. His nostrils flared as the intoxicating scent of her perfume wafted across his senses. It prompted visions of hot, wanton sex. It promised a night he instinctively knew he would never forget.

  The elevator doors opened and three people got off. He stood aside and indicated she should enter the car.

  “Where are we going?” Trish trailed her hand across the front of Jonathon’s shirt as she stepped inside the elevator car. The sensation of the silk against her fingertips was almost as exciting as the hard planes of his chest beneath the fabric. Almost as exciting as the moment his hand had touched her bare back.

  Her pulse jumped and her breathing quickened. Dampness seeped across her mound and heat spread to her thighs. The soft fabric of her dress caressed her breasts. Her nipples puckered into taut points of need. She knew his hands would soon be doing the caressing, then his mouth, and the knowledge pulsed hot and deep inside her body.

  He reached past her shoulder and pushed the button for the twentieth floor. As soon as the doors closed, the elevator started its ascent. The swiftness of his movements took her by surprise as he backed her into the corner. His mouth hovered just above hers, his hands planted against the elevator wall on each side of her head. So temptingly close she could almost taste him. The tantalizing whiff of his sexy aftershave wasn’t enough to detract from the clean masculine scent that filled her lungs and raced through her veins. Her senses tingled with anticipation of what the evening would bring.

  “I never party, drink and debauch innocent—” he flicked the tip of his tongue across her lip as he leaned his body against hers, “and not so innocent maidens—then try to drive home. Since the party is at a hotel, I booked a room for the night.”

  His nearness nearly took her breath away, making the simple task of talking increasingly difficult. “That’s very astute of you, very forward thinking.”

  “Aye…when you’re accustomed to plundering the high seas, you need to be prepared for any eventuality.” The timbre of his smooth masculine voice did as much to seduce her senses as his words. With a quick pelvic thrust, he shoved his hardened sex against her. The contact gave her a quick sample of what he had to offer and sent a sharp surge of need ricocheting through her body.

  “My room will be a nice quiet place where we can continue our conversation undisturbed.”

  “That sounds like the perfect place to have an intimate…uh…conversation.”

  Trish thought she knew what she was doing, had considered all the angles when she formulated her plan. But she woefully under estimated one facet. She hadn’t realized jus
t how potent his sexual magnetism could be until he pressed against her.

  Tremors of arousal shuddered through her body, demanding attention. She wanted Jonathon Rutledge’s obvious arousal buried deep inside her. She needed the feel of his hard shaft completely filling her. It was a fantasy that had dominated her dreams at night and propelled her daydreams during her waking hours for the last three years. And now it was stronger and more demanding than ever.

  He removed his mask, then reached for hers. She quickly raised her hand to stop him. He looked at her quizzically. “You won’t take your mask off? Then the least you can do is tell me your name.”

  “No. Let’s play out a fantasy—two strangers spending the night making love. No strings, no recriminations, no guilt, no worries about what the morning will bring.”

  “Spending the night with a sexy seductress,” his husky voice whispered across her ear, “is definitely a fantasy I’ll willingly indulge.” He brought his mouth down on hers, capturing her very breath. It was a hungry kiss that told of long pent up needs, a kiss that demanded everything and promised as much in return.

  Jonathon ground his arousal against the flat of her stomach. She slipped her arms around his neck. Her breasts pressed against his silk shirt, her tautly puckered nipples teasing his already highly aroused senses. Her ragged breathing matched his, two people caught up in the same swirl of desire.

  He thrust his tongue between her lips and met an eager response as he twined it with hers in an erotic ritual of seduction. Her mouth tasted every bit as delicious as it looked, as delicious as he knew the rest of her body would be.

  An all-consuming need burned inside him. If she was even half as hot as he felt, they had the potential of setting off the fire sprinklers at the very least—at the most, reducing the room to charred remains. He edged his hand inside the soft piece of fabric covering her breast. He cupped her fullness, the sensation leaving his fingers literally tingling. Her body trembled beneath his touch as he inched the material aside. A moment later he had his mouth at her breast, suckling as he teased her hardened nipple with his tongue. Her throaty moan of submission doubled the excitement racing through his body.

  Somewhere in the back of his mind he became aware of the elevator slowing to a stop. He reluctantly allowed her nipple to slip from his mouth and released her from his hold. He smoothed the front of her dress back into place.

  “I think we’re at my floor.” His voice held a husky quality that he didn’t seem to be able to control any more than he could dictate to the hard erection straining against the crotch of his pants.

  A moment later the elevator doors opened. He tried to force a smoothness to his labored breathing while escorting her down the hall to his room. He had been nearly frantic to have her. He would have gladly taken her right there in the elevator if they hadn’t arrived at the twentieth floor. He needed to slow things down. This wasn’t a fast fuck in a darkened hallway up against a wall. They were at his room where they had all night to explore and enjoy each other in every way possible.

  And that’s just what he planned to do.

  As soon as they were inside, he put out the Do Not Disturb sign and set the security lock. He didn’t want any unexpected interruptions to intrude.

  Then he turned toward her. She stood next to the bed, looking like a combination of perfect lady and wanton sex goddess—a fascinating and incredibly alluring blend. Her puckered nipples protruded against her dress. It was all he could do to maintain some semblance of propriety when what he really wanted to do was rip off her dress, throw her down on the bed and fuck her long and hard until they both dissolved into a puddle of spent flesh.

  He tossed aside the mask, headgear, and sword belonging to his costume, then toed off his boots. She remained perfectly still as if waiting to see what he would do. Only the rise and fall of her breasts with her ragged breathing gave away her state of arousal. That and the heated glow in the depths of her eyes.

  He ran his fingers along the line of her jaw, down the side of her neck and across her shoulder. The quality of her skin was unlike anything he had ever felt before, a smooth creamy texture that sent a shudder of heated anticipation rippling through his body.

  Jonathon slipped the dress off her shoulders and allowed it to fall to her waist. Her firm bare breasts were capped by tautly puckered dusky pink nipples just begging for the pleasure of his mouth. He stepped in closer. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but what about panties? The way the dress dipped so low in the back, lower than her waist, he wondered what she could possibly be wearing underneath. He also knew he was going to thoroughly enjoy finding out.

  “Tell me, my sexy seductress. Is the bottom half of you as bare and delicious as the top half?” He traced his finger across the swell of her breasts, first one then the other, before running his fingertip between her breasts and continuing down her body until he reached her navel. She trembled beneath his touch.

  “Is this dress the only thing touching your skin?” His words were part spoken and part husky rasp. “The only thing keeping me from exploring the treasure buried between your thighs?”

  “No quite. But I’m sure you’re about to find out for yourself.” She stepped out of her high heels. “I’m sure there’s lots here for both of us to discover if we apply ourselves, many things to explore before the night is over.”

  He heard a low groan, one that spoke of deep need as well as desire. A groan that had clawed its way out of his own throat. A groan that betrayed the smooth exterior he tried to project. She was unlike anyone he had ever met. She was hot, delicious and very ready yet there was something hidden, something she didn’t want him to see, something more than merely hiding her face behind a mask.

  It also presented itself in the way she seemed to be waiting for him to take action, almost as if she didn’t know what to do or how to proceed. It left him with the uncomfortable impression that she wasn’t the experienced playmate she pretended to be. It was almost as if she was two people, hot sex kitten on one hand yet reserved lady on the other. He shook away the thought. It was a dilemma that would have to wait until another time.

  He had been working too hard for too long without a break. If she was, indeed, two people, then tonight he wanted the one who was hot and ready. The one whose mere presence had totally seduced his senses and had his cock hard and ready practically from the moment he set eyes on her. The need had been building inside him for too long to worry about second guessing his good fortune. The side of her that seemed more demure would have to wait.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her in front of him. He caught one of her nipples in his mouth and suckled as he ran his hands inside the back of her dress. It took only a moment for his fingers to reach the garter belt and discover that she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  The breath caught in his lungs. His fingertips tingled with a surge of excitement. His hungry mouth took in more of her breast, sucking with an increased intensity. Cupping the perfect globes of her ass cheeks, he squeezed the delectably firm flesh.

  Trish’s legs trembled as the sensations coursed through her body, accompanied by a hungry need pulsing between her legs. His mouth…his hands…he was everything she knew he would be, and the night was still young.

  She thought she would be able to stand there and allow his tantalizing seduction to continue, to revel in the delights of his touch, but her desire to touch him was more than she could control. She snaked her fingers through his thick dark hair. His mouth may have been on her breast, but the core of her excitement was much lower. The heat spread, the moisture dampened her entire pussy.

  It had been over a year since she last had sex and that had been a less than stellar experience. In fact, it had left her unfulfilled and frustrated. Stimulated but without an orgasm. In retrospect, she had only dated him because he bore a vague resemblance to Jonathon Rutledge. Since then, only her vibrator had been between her legs. It was adequate in relieving that sexual itch, but nothing more.

; And now she had the real thing all to herself and one night to make all her fantasies come true.

  His movements were not as smooth as she had assumed they would be as he tugged on her dress, inching it down her hips then letting it drop to the floor where it pooled at her feet. It was almost as if he had been forcing himself to take it slow.

  He leaned back on his elbows. A moment of eye contact was long enough for her to see the passion shining in the depths of his green eyes. She had seen it a thousand times in her dreams and fantasies, but this time it was real.

  And that glow of passion was all for her.

  Her insides quivered and her heart pounded. A moment of panic invaded her reality. He was a very dynamic man. She was limited in her experience of anything beyond the basic missionary position. Would she be able to satisfy all his needs and desires? Would he find her lack of experience a turn off? She forced her negative thoughts aside. Now was not the time for doubts.

  She stood in front of him. The red lace garter belt framed the blonde curls covering her sex. Red satin ribbons held up her sheer black stockings. His gaze skimmed her body, then came to rest on the feathery softness decorating her pussy. He touched her breasts again, then ran a finger lightly over her skin from the valley between her breasts down to the garter belt, then across her mound. He touched the very tip of his finger against her clit.

  A sharp intake of breath followed by an earthy moan of delight escaped her throat before she could stop it. Her eyelids fluttered shut as her body trembled in response to his actions. He stroked between her legs, tracing her delicate pussy lips, then withdrew his hand and touched his wet finger to his tongue.

  “I think you should leave that garter belt and your stockings on.” His words came out as a husky rasp. “It’s so damned sexy the way it surrounds your delicious pussy, like the perfect picture frame around an exquisite work of art.”