Erotic Encounters Read online

Page 4

  Waves of ecstasy crashed through Shasta’s body. No one had ever so thoroughly ministered to her with just his lips and tongue, and no one else’s cock had ever felt so perfect in her mouth. She didn’t want the night to ever end.

  “If you don’t ease up on my cock, you’ll waste this perfectly good hard-on before I can finish making love to you.” His words floated toward her, sounding as if he barely had enough breath to get them out.

  She allowed his shaft to slip from her mouth, closing her lips around just the head for a moment before letting go and moving off Dane’s body. He reached for one of the condom packets and ripped it open.

  “Let me.” She rolled the condom onto his rock-hard cock, her motions as jerky as the erratic breath she pulled into her lungs. When she finished, she fondled his balls for a second and then placed a tender kiss on each one. She leaned back into the softness of the bed and beckoned him with her smile. His turquoise eyes, clouded with smoky passion, told her of his intense arousal. She parted her legs, welcoming him into the intimacy of her pleasure core.

  Dane supported his upper torso with his arms so he could watch her beautiful face as he entered her. Inch by inch, he slowly penetrated the moist heat of her tunnel. Her inner walls enclosed his rigid shaft in a tight sheath. He trembled as the power of the moment overwhelmed him. He wrapped his arms around her head and buried his face in her hair to keep from blurting out words he didn’t dare say.

  He had fucked more than his share of women since he lost his virginity at the age of fifteen to an older and experienced woman of seventeen. Screwing just for the sake of drowning in hot sex. But no way could that describe his coupling with Shasta. They were making love with a passion he had never before encountered.

  Moving in and out with long sure strokes, he set a smooth rhythm, each thrust reaching to the depths. She wrapped her legs around his waist, her hips arching to meet each of his down strokes. They moved in perfect harmony, as if they were long time lovers totally in tune with each other’s most primal needs and desires.

  As much as he wanted to prolong every delicious moment, he couldn’t stop the rush from churning in his balls, signaling his approaching release. He pumped faster, his strokes becoming harder and shorter. One more orgasm, if he could just hold on long enough for her to have one more.

  Then she cried out. Her muscles contracted sharply around his shaft, and convulsions once again claimed her. His tenuous hold on his control evaporated. One last deep thrust. He held her tightly in his arms as the hard spasms of white hot release shuddered through him.

  As the waves subsided, neither of them spoke. They stayed wrapped in each other’s embrace until their breathing slowly returned to normal. He raised up on one elbow just enough to be able to see her face, not wanting to withdraw from the perfection of her incredible velvet-lined muff. The sheen of perspiration dotted her flushed cheeks and forehead. Her green eyes glowed with a contentment that literally touched his heart. He smoothed loose tendrils of hair from her damp skin.

  “You are so beautiful. You absolutely take my breath away.” He placed a tender kiss on her lips. “What is it that would please you?”

  Shasta looked up into the ardor of his gaze, a passion that touched every fiber of her existence. “I can’t think of anything that would make this moment more perfect.”

  Except maybe knowing that we could have some kind of a future together.

  The thought had popped into her head unbidden and not exactly welcome. What happened? She had never allowed her emotions to get away from her like that. They had known each other only as business acquaintances, despite their flirting banter and her secret longings. Then tonight, her world suddenly exploded into a frenzy of heated desire, hot sex and satiated needs. Not exactly the type of thing to base a relationship on or judge the possibility of a future.

  “Neither can I.” He continued to hold her tightly. She could actually feel the beating of his heart, the pulsing of his life. It was a phenomenon she didn’t want to ever lose. He cradled her head tenderly against his shoulder and kissed her cheek then carefully rolled off of her. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

  Shasta watched Dane disappear into the bathroom. She closed her eyes as a smile curled the corners of her mouth. Her mind wandered to what the rest of the night would bring and for that matter, where things between them were going.

  His weight settled into the bed, bringing her thoughts back to the present. She opened her eyes, but the sight that greeted her was not what she expected. His expression showed an uncertainty, a level of apprehension.

  Or was it just her imagination? Could she be projecting her own fears and concerns about where the night and their relationship was headed onto the moment?

  A tremor of anxiety shivered inside her as she softly touched his cheek. He captured her hand in his and brought it to his lips, kissing her palm. A fleeting gesture of intimacy, but the physical contact warmed her heart and soul. As absurd as it sounded, she wondered if she could actually be falling in love with this man who seemed so open and honest on one hand, yet retained an air of mystery and hidden secrets on the other.

  An uncomfortable embarrassment settled over her. She felt pressured to say something to break the silence and cover up her nervousness and the sudden surge of trepidation. “There’s some cold pizza left in the kitchen, along with some champagne. Are you hungry? I could stick the pizza in the microwave and heat it up if that would make it more tempting for you.”

  “Being here with you is all the temptation I can handle.” He brushed a tender kiss across her lips, then allowed a warm smile. “But I am kind of hungry.”

  Shasta scooted toward the edge of the bed, but Dane tugged on her hand to bring her to a halt. His mind had been racing with unanswered questions and concerns. The last thing he wanted was to lose this incredible woman. Just hearing her voice, feeling the warmth of her skin, made his heart sing.

  He delved into the emerald fathoms of her eyes, took a steadying breath and allowed the words to find their way into the open. “You asked me to stay the night. I’m asking you if I may stay the weekend. I don’t want to leave when dawn arrives.”

  A shy smile lit up her face. “A fantasy weekend? I would like that very much.”

  He hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath, waiting for her answer, until he exhaled. He placed another soft kiss on her lips, gave her hand an intimate little squeeze and slid out of bed, pulling her along with him. He folded her into his embrace and just held her, swaying gently, savoring the sensation of her bare skin pressed along the length of his naked torso. His heart beat a little quicker as he inhaled the combination of her perfume and the lingering scent of hot sex. The stimulation caused his cock to twitch and jump. He wanted her again. He needed her again. Did he dare assume?

  The last thing he wanted was for her to believe his only interest in her centered on how many times he could fuck her in one night. To have her think it was a contest of some sort among the male strippers at the club with the winner receiving the Golden Cock Award for stamina. For the first time, he wished he had been able to find another way to earn the money other than the strip club even though it would have taken much longer to pay off the medical expenses.

  Dane tried to force the confusion from his mind. For someone normally very confident and in charge of what went on around him, he found himself wandering in the unfamiliar territory of uncertainty. Shasta Brooks had his reality turned sideways and upside down.

  He reluctantly released her from his embrace but kept hold of her hand. He was comfortable in his own skin and didn’t feel awkward or embarrassed being undressed in front of other people, even before he started performing at the strip club. In fact, it was one of the reasons he had originally considered stripping as an option to earn extra money. But that didn’t mean Shasta felt the same.

  Glancing around her bedroom, he spotted her robe on a chair. He picked it up and held it out toward her, but she took it from him and
tossed it aside.

  “A fantasy weekend calls for uninhibited behavior.” Oh wait. Will he think I’m an oversexed party girl who sleeps with any good-looking stud who happens to cross my path? “Dane…I don’t want you to think that this is…that I normally go to bed with—”

  He brushed a quick kiss across her lips, effectively stopping her words. “I don’t think any such thing.”

  He had already fulfilled the fantasy she had been carrying around inside her. No matter what he wanted, she knew she would willingly comply. Even though her pussy still tingled from the intensity of their lovemaking, a throbbing need for more of him made itself known.

  “Fantasy weekend?” He grabbed the nipple rings from the top of the nightstand. The sexy smile that so mesmerized her every time she saw it slowly spread across his handsome face. “With that in mind, do you think I could talk you into putting these back on?”

  She returned his smile with a sly one of her own. “I don’t know. What do I get out of it?”

  He leaned forward and used his tongue to tease one of her nipples into a tautly puckered bud. “You can have anything you want.” His words tickled across her ear as he clipped one of the rings on her nipple.

  The throbbing need pulsed between her legs as she took the other nipple ring from his hand. She thought of all the adult toys the girls had given her for her birthday. She certainly wouldn’t be needing the Ben Wa balls this weekend to keep her in a state of arousal. With Dane Wingate standing naked in her bedroom, artificial stimulation was the last thing she needed.

  She clipped on the other ring and impulsively shimmied her shoulders so that her breasts jiggled. The rings plucked at her taut buds, sending a rush of desire straight to her pussy.

  A glow of passion lit his eyes as he watched her. Never in her life had she felt as totally free and uninhibited as she did at that moment. She joked with the girls at work about naked romps on the beach and hot sex, but it was mostly talk without the action to back it up. Her vibrator got most of her action. It worked as a momentary substitute to relieve the buildup of sexual tension, but it didn’t keep her warm on cold nights and couldn’t hold her in its arms and tenderly kiss away her moments of sadness.

  His muscles flexed, and his body tensed. He swallowed as if trying to keep his composure. Trailing his fingertip across the rise of her breasts, he took her hand in his as he forced out the words. “If we don’t head for the kitchen right now to find that cold pizza, we’ll never get out of this bedroom.”

  She widened her eyes in feigned innocence. “And that would be a bad thing because…”

  His spontaneous laugh filled the air. He tugged on her hand as he started for the bedroom door. “It’s obvious that I’m going to need sustenance if I’m going to keep up with you, my sexy vixen.”

  They walked hand in hand to the kitchen. Shasta dished up four slices of pizza on a plate and put it into the microwave while Dane took a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator and opened it. He poured each of them a glass and held his up in the form of a toast.

  “Here’s to our fantasy weekend. May it be everything you want it to be. And may it be the first of many.”

  As they each took a sip, his words swirled around in her mind. The first of many. If only she could figure out how to make that more than just words.

  Chapter Three

  After finishing the last of the pizza, Shasta put things away in the kitchen. Dane offered to help, but she shooed him out of the way, saying it would be quicker if she did it herself. He took the opportunity to look around, ending up at the table where all her birthday gifts had been stacked. He gave a closer inspection to each item than his initial quick glance.

  Though it was well after midnight, he turned out the living room lights so no one could see in when he opened the drapes and sliding glass door that led to the patio. To his surprise and delight, he spotted a hot tub. They would definitely be using it before their fantasy weekend came to an end.

  He closed his eyes and allowed the sensations and memories to flow over him. The feel of her skin, the sound of her voice, the silky strands of her hair, the burning passion in the depths of her emerald eyes. She consumed all his thoughts.

  The sex had been great. In fact, it had been a thousand times better than merely great. But there was so much beyond just sex. A fantasy weekend? The implication was a weekend spent indulging all the carnal pleasures. But he wanted more than that. He wanted to spend time getting to know her. What were her likes and dislikes? What about her family?

  Family. He didn’t want one. He didn’t need one. He had himself to depend on and that’s all he needed. Lifetime relationships? A sham with no basis in reality. He had seen first-hand that no such thing existed. He would never be dependent on anyone and didn’t want anyone to ever be dependent on him for anything other than business.

  So what was he doing in Shasta Brooks’ house, asking to stay the weekend and staring out across her patio wondering about the future? Exactly when had he lost control of his life? He shook his head. A stupid question. He knew the exact moment it had happened. It was when he had pulled her into his arms and kissed her for the first time. He knew deep down in his soul that his life would never again be the same. His life was no longer his own regardless of how much that thought scared him. At that instant, he had made the decision to share it with her. It hadn’t even been a conscious thought, only a deeply intuitive moment of certainty.

  But what to do about it? Give in and let it happen or fight the inevitable? And what about Shasta? What was it she wanted out of life? Did her career take priority over everything else or might there be room for him?

  He fought to shove away the thoughts that were neither appropriate nor viable. He had no business even pondering what the future held until he finished paying off the medical bills. And even then, did he have what it took to be involved in a successful relationship? After all, look at his role models—totally dysfunctional parents who lived miserable existences.

  He closed the patio door, pulled the drapes shut and wandered toward the kitchen. Too many questions and no answers. He watched Shasta put the last of the dishes into the dishwasher and start the washing cycle. His gaze traced the outline of her nude body—the curve of her hips, the uplifted breasts with the dangling nipple rings, the auburn curls covering her mound and decorating the entrance to paradise. And her beautiful face with the perfect mouth and emerald eyes.

  To maintain mind over matter in order to keep his cock under control while performing was one thing, but that talent seemed to be failing him as he stood at her kitchen door. He couldn’t stop the arousal and desire from engorging his veins so that his erection stood tall and hard. And he had no way of hiding it from her view.

  Walking up behind her, he slipped his arms around her waist and kissed the back of her neck. “I see you have a hot tub. We should make use of it before the weekend is over.” He forced himself to keep his hands at her waist instead of brushing his fingers down her abdomen and across her mound on the way to the moist entrance of her delicious sex. “I also took a look at your collection of birthday presents. Quite an array of adult toys. Do you have any whipped cream to go with the chocolate body paint? It would make a good substitute for a birthday cake tomorrow night.”

  She leaned back against his hard chest and closed her eyes as she placed her hands on top of his. He pressed his erection against the small of her back, savoring the physical contact.

  “I don’t have any whipped cream, but I can certainly find some by tomorrow night.” Her voice dropped to a seductive whisper. “Is there anything else you can think of that we might need?”

  He turned her around in his embrace so he could see her face and look into her eyes. A hard jolt of emotion overcame him, stopping the words before he could get them out. He held her tighter, snuggling her bare body into his and cradling her head against his shoulder. It felt so right having her in his arms. He didn’t want to let go. “Perhaps another day added to the weeke
nd. Just Saturday and Sunday aren’t going to be enough.”

  Is it possible to fall in love in one night?

  A shiver of anxiety quickly followed his thought. He didn’t know where it came from or exactly what it meant, but he did know that it scared the hell out of him. He found himself sinking farther and farther into an emotional abyss, and he didn’t know how to get out.

  Or if he even wanted to.

  Shasta circled her arms around his waist and melted into the sensual warmth he projected. “We could make use of the hot tub right now if you’d like. If we leave all the lights off, no one will see us. We will need to keep our voices low so we don’t wake the neighbors.”

  He placed a kiss on her cheek and whispered in her ear. “I can be quiet if you can.”

  She turned off all the lights inside the house then opened the drapes and sliding door to the patio. Together they stepped outside. The controls indicated the water was at the right temperature. Dane took the lid off the hot tub. Clouds of steam escaped into the cool night air.

  They climbed into the bubbling water and settled next to each other on the underwater bench. The sensual feel of the water lapping against her skin increased her desire, and the answer to that desire was only a touch away. She slid her hand across his thigh. His muscles immediately tensed followed by a soft moan.

  She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, allowing her hand to remain resting on his inner thigh. Just that little bit of physical contact, knowing that he was there, filled her with a sense of contentment. The swirling water soothed and relaxed her muscles. Comfort and contentment…as if everything she had ever wanted was finally within her reach.