Erotic Encounters Read online

Page 5

  “I want to know everything about you.” His smooth voice penetrated her thoughts. He placed his hand on top of hers and enclosed it within his fingers.

  They spoke quietly, sharing the sense of closeness. She talked about her work and hobbies, and he told her about his computer consulting business but didn’t elaborate any more on the medical expenses he was working to pay off or his experiences at the male strip club.

  He laced his fingers with hers. “Tell me about your family.”

  “My mother and father live in Montana, as does my brother along with my niece and nephew. I went to college here in Seattle and decided to stay after graduation.”

  “Have your mother and father enjoyed a long and happy marriage?”

  She looked at him quizzically. “That’s an odd question.” She tried to formulate an answer to a question that left her uncomfortable. “Well…no. They’ve been divorced for fifteen years. My brother is also divorced.” A hint of anxiety joined her discomfort. “I guess that’s one reason why I haven’t been all that anxious to get married and chose to concentrate on my career instead.”

  She normally didn’t like giving out that much information about herself, but he was so easy to talk to. He listened attentively, making her feel as if what she had to say was very important to him. She found herself telling far more than she had ever revealed to anyone, even her closest friends. She even told him about her disastrous engagement. She bared her soul but truly felt as if she could trust him with the knowledge.

  “How about you? Tell me about your family.”

  He hesitated a moment before answering her question. “There’s really not much to tell.”

  She waited for him to continue, but he didn’t say anything else. She allowed a moment of disappointment when he didn’t confide the same depth of personal information to her. There was something in his past troubling him, something to do with his mother and father he didn’t feel he could share. She reminded herself that it had only been a matter of a few hours since he had returned to her house following her surprise party. Though it felt as if she had known him for a long time, other than seeing each other at the bank, their relationship was still in its infancy. If it could even be called a relationship rather than an unexpected encounter resulting in hot sex.

  Dane released her hand, put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. He placed a tender kiss on her lips that quickly escalated into the heated passion bubbling inside them in the same way the water bubbled in the hot tub. Sparks of incendiary desire. Spontaneous combustion that even the water couldn’t douse. A hot flame that couldn’t be quenched.

  He thrust his tongue into her mouth, aggressively seeking out the dark and tantalizing recesses. She responded by tickling her fingers up his inner thigh until she came to his rigid shaft, standing tall and ready for action. She wrapped her hand around its girth and slowly pumped. It had been a long time since she had sex in a hot tub. Her entire body tingled with excitement. She wanted…no, she needed…to be touched everywhere. She wanted to indulge every intimacy this sexy man could provide.

  And as if reading her mind, his hands grasped her hips and placed her straddling his thighs and facing him. He spread his legs apart, leaving her balanced with her thighs on his. The hot water swirled around her breasts, teasing her nipples. She continued to stroke his hard cock as the underwater jets shot gushing streams against her pussy and ass suspended between his legs. The stimulation sent tremors of excitement coursing through her. Then the incredible sensation of his fingers replacing the jets of water pushed her to a higher level of arousal.

  One of his hands in front and one in back, his fingers tempted and teased. He rubbed his thumb against her engorged clit as he thrust two fingers in and out of her pussy. She moaned softly as she leaned forward, shoving harder against his hand while at the same time thrusting her ass up.

  He responded to her silent urging, pressing his fingertip against her puckered anus. A jolt of wicked pleasure rippled through her body at the prospect of this new experience. She wiggled her ass, pushing back against his touch. He answered by slowly inserting the tip of his finger into her anus. She flinched slightly, then a low growl of pure lust clawed its way up from deep inside, demanding more of this marvelous new sensation. He continued to stimulate her clit and pussy while at the same time working his finger farther in her tight and untried back door.

  The rampaging sensations twisted around inside her like a tornado, growing stronger and more intense with each passing moment. “Oh, my God…that’s unbelievably incredible.”

  “If you like this, then you’re going to love what I have in mind for later.”

  “Ooh…is that a promise?” Before he could answer, she leaned forward and pressed her open mouth against his, aggressively seeking out the feel of his tongue.

  Her mind tried to wrap around all the invading sensations, intensely powerful vibrations. Her chest heaved with each ragged breath she drew. His tongue twined and meshed with hers. Fingers stroked in and out of her pussy and probed her anus. Was this a limited version of what a ménage a trois felt like?

  She had always been curious about that but never had the nerve to explore the possibility. Had never met a man she felt she could trust with the extreme intimacy of the first step—that of anal intercourse.

  All thoughts stopped as orgasmic waves crashed through her body, touching every part of her reality. Her muffled cry of release filled his mouth, and then she slumped forward against his chest.

  Her hand slipped away from his rigid shaft. The loss of her sensual touch, of the stimulation, caught Dane momentarily off guard. His chest rose and fell erratically as he tried to force his breathing back to normal. Tremors of need swept through him. He could not hold out much longer. Now that he had experienced the intense pleasure of her body, had tasted a touch of heaven, he knew he would always want to be with Shasta and only Shasta. And right now he wanted her out of the hot tub and into bed before he totally lost it and fucked her then and there without taking any precautions.

  He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “We’ve probably been in here too long. We need to get out of this hot water.”

  “You’re right. There are towels in the cupboard behind you.”

  He wanted…he needed…her. He craved the sensation of her pussy muscles tugging and squeezing his shaft as he thrust to the depths of her tunnel. He hungered for the addictive taste that belonged to her alone. The feel of her creamy smooth skin against his, the pebbled texture of her tautly drawn nipples…

  After reluctantly breaking the physical contact with her, Dane pulled out two large beach towels and wrapped one of them around Shasta as she stepped out of the water, then he wrapped the other around himself. He held her again, not wanting to release her yet knowing that they couldn’t continue to stand on her patio dressed only in towels. He replaced the lid on the hot tub, and they went inside. As soon as she closed the door and drew the drapes, he switched on a table lamp.

  Damp tendrils of auburn hair clung to her wet cheeks. Her skin appeared flushed, partly from the heat of the hot tub but also from her orgasm. He wrapped his arms around her. “You look tantalizingly delicious.”

  He pulled the towel from her body and used it to dry her. He talked to her while gently rubbing and patting her skin. “You are an incredibly exciting woman, and I’ve decided to let you have your way with me.”

  She made an exaggerated show of batting her eyelashes. “That’s very tempting.” She slipped her hand under his towel and stroked his obvious erection.

  He grabbed her wrist and quickly stepped away from her enticing touch. “You keep doing that, and I’ll be forced to back you up against the dining room wall and fuck you until you beg me for mercy.” His voice teased even though the words had been uttered with a slightly breathless rasp to them. Once again the surge of desire rushed to his cock reaffirming his readiness.

  And once again the sensual touch of her fingers skimmed along the under
side of his rigid shaft. Her lips nibbled at his chest, telling him she was every bit as hot for him as he was for her. He grabbed several carefully selected items from her birthday gifts displayed on the dining room table and handed them to her. Her smile said as much as any words could. He scooped her up in his arms. As he had done just a few hours earlier, he carried her down the hall to her bedroom.

  He placed her on the edge of the bed, then took the toys from her and set them on the nightstand. “Which of those do you want to play with first?”

  “I think these would be fun.” She held up a bottle of flavored massage oil and the vibrating butt plug.

  He flashed a lewd grin. “I see you want to pick up where we left off. I like the way you think.” He uncapped the bottle of oil. “Scoot over to the middle of the bed, turn on your stomach, pull your legs up under you and wiggle that beautiful little ass at me.”

  Shasta eagerly complied with his instructions, wanting more of the excitement he had given her in the hot tub. In fact, she knew exactly what she wanted and that she wouldn’t be disappointed. How strange it was. With Dane, she felt totally uninhibited, not afraid to try new things or let him know exactly what she wanted. She had never trusted anyone as much as she did him.

  He rubbed the oil into her butt cheeks, kneading her flesh with his fingers. She thrilled to his sensual touch. One thing about their sex play and lovemaking had become crystal clear. Dane Wingate was much more than the greatest lover she had ever experienced. He was also the most considerate. He seemed to really care about her needs and desires.

  He penetrated her puckered hole with a well-lubricated finger, making sure she was comfortable with it before continuing. She jumped when he added a second finger. He immediately paused in his efforts, genuinely concerned. “Are you all right, Shasta?”

  “Absolutely.” Her voice had become a husky whisper. She shoved back against his hand and wiggled her ass to let him know he had not hurt her. He placed a tender kiss on each butt cheek as he worked his fingers, stretching and preparing her for something more substantial.

  With his free hand, Dane reached around her hip and stimulated her engorged clit. Her throaty moan of pleasure combined with her ragged breathing to produce a sound that stiffened his cock even more while tugging at every sensual nerve ending he possessed.

  Judging she was ready, he grabbed the butt plug and turned on the vibrating function to make sure it worked then turned it off.

  Shasta heard the soft buzz. Her breathing increased, and her pulse raced. Her entire body tingled with anticipation. With the exception of Dane’s fingers, her ass was still virgin. The concept of anal intercourse had always frightened her a little, but not with Dane. She knew he would be gentle and patient. It would be a memorable experience to be repeated often with the right man.

  And Dane Wingate was that man.

  She glanced over her shoulder at his handsome face behind her. “This little toy can be the third person of our ménage a trois.”

  His grunt of appreciation accompanied by a sly grin and the smoky passion in the depths of his turquoise eyes told her how much he liked her suggestion.

  “You’ve never done this before, have you?” His words came out as a husky rasp, attesting to his heightened state of arousal. “I’m playing with a virgin ass. Is that right?” He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her shoulder. “I only ask so I’ll know how to proceed. The last thing I want to do is to cause you pain.”

  Her breathless words reflected her state of arousal. “Well…uh, it’s true. This is my first experience.”

  “I’ll try my best to make it memorable for you.” He placed a string of kisses down her spine, then licked the raspberry massage oil from her ass cheeks and removed his fingers from her anus.

  Dane poured a small portion of the oil into the palm of his hand and thoroughly lubricated the putt plug. After flicking on the vibrating function, he placed it against her rear opening. She jerked to attention.

  “Just relax, honey. Don’t tense up.” He playfully nipped at each of her ass cheeks with his lips. “Are you okay? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “More than okay.” She purred her contentment.

  “If you want me to stop, all you have to do is say so.” He eased the tip of the butt plug into her puckered entrance.

  She struggled to get the words out. “I’ve never felt…oh, God…anything like this. I can’t even think straight…Dane…” Her words trailed off into soft moans.

  His hard cock throbbed with his need for her touch, for the moist heat of her pussy and the way her muscles squeezed and stroked his length. But his needs would have to wait. He couldn’t allow his churning passion to rush her as if this were an everyday occurrence.

  He slowly pushed on the plug, pausing several times so she could accommodate the size and feel as it penetrated her body. Soft moans and sensual gasps, her sounds of sexual excitement fed his heightened arousal while also providing him a sense of contentment knowing he was giving her pleasure. When he finally had the plug fully inserted, he reached around her hips and gently massaged her stiff clit. She remained on her knees and elbows. Her ragged breathing turned into cries of delight, her words barely understandable.

  “I want you…want your cock…your mouth…all of you…oh, God…that’s incredible.”

  Shasta knew the vibrating butt plug would be different than anything she had experienced, but she had no idea just how different. Or how intensely exciting.

  But she wanted more. Her pussy throbbed with need. Her muscles convulsed, looking for something to grab hold of. Her mind fogged as her ability to think faded, leaving only the torrid sensations coursing through her. She tried to wiggle out from under his body, and he backed away.

  “I want to be on top.” Before he could answer, she shoved him onto this back and straddled his chest. His stiff cock bobbed in front of her face, the head a deep purplish-red. She laved it with the flat of her tongue, the texture and action fueling her excitement. Then she took it into her mouth.

  A moment later his arms wrapped around her hips and pulled her pussy down to his mouth. He nibbled at her clit with his lips and teased it with his tongue. He added to her pleasure by grasping the butt plug and sliding it in and out of her ass. All the intense sensations merged into one. The butt plug vibrated inside her. Her clit felt as if it would burst any moment. She took more of his length into her mouth.

  Everything at once. So much. Almost too many sensations. It all seemed to spin out of control. When the deep growl of pleasure clawed its way out of his throat and reverberated against her clit, her last vestige of conscious control exploded in an incendiary flash. The most intense climax of her life crashed through her body. Wave after wave of orgasmic euphoria claimed her.

  Then she felt Dane shudder. He pulled his cock out of her mouth a moment before his climax released spurts of semen.

  “I didn’t want to presume…” His barely discernible words were a husky whisper.

  She responded to his concern by placing a tender kiss on his cock head and flicking the remaining droplets into her mouth with her tongue while gently cradling his balls.

  Neither of them moved as the exhaustion swept over their bodies. Only the vibrations of the butt plug continued to accompany their combined gasps for air.


  Sunlight filtered in around the edges of the bedroom drapes. Dane opened one eye and tried to focus on the clock across the room. Eleven o’clock. It had been about six hours since they fell asleep. He glanced at the nightstand. Three empty condom packets, and then there were the numerous adventures that hadn’t required a condom.

  And the best part was, Shasta Brooks still nestled next to him as she slept. He watched her, the rise and fall of her perfect breasts as she took slow even breaths. Hot sex. Sizzling passion. Tender intimacy. And a closeness he couldn’t even begin to describe. One he hadn’t believed possible.

  As much as he wanted to be with her, the possibility of where their t
ime together could lead equally frightened him. Perhaps even more than he was willing to admit. Being committed to someone, not being able to do as he pleased when he pleased, needing to take someone else into consideration when a decision had to be made…all of it scared him. He had sworn he would never be tied to anyone, especially after what he had experienced in the past.

  And then there was the deeper fear, the one that said he didn’t know how to take care of or participate in a committed relationship. He had no role models during his upbringing, no one to learn from. If he tried and failed, where would that leave him? The concept of losing Shasta…well, it was unfathomable.

  Shasta stirred, intruding into his thoughts and providing him with a welcome distraction from the direction those thoughts had been headed.

  “Good morning, lovely lady. How did you sleep?” He pulled her to him and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  “Mmm…I slept marvelously well.” She kept her eyes shut as she ran her hands across the hard planes of his chest. “My sleep was filled with erotic dreams that didn’t even come close to the reality of last night.”

  He kissed her again, a kiss that started out gentle but quickly escalated as she returned his ardor. He ran his hand down her back and across her perfectly rounded rear end, then slipped his fingers between her legs, seeking out the moist heat of her pussy. Her soft moan fed into his rapidly growing arousal. His rigid shaft pulsed with desire. “How about breakfast in bed?”

  He teased the corner of her mouth with his lips, moved down the side of her neck and finally arrived at her breasts. He suckled for a moment, then allowed her nipple to slip from his mouth. “I’ve found something to nibble on, and I can’t think of a better way to start the day.”

  She wiggled her hand between their bodies until she could wrap it around his cock. “Mmm…I found something I’d like to get closer to.” His soft moan in response to her touch excited her as much as the feel of his hardness.

  Tremors of increased arousal coursed through her body as he worked his fingers in and out of her pussy. Her quick pelvic thrust set her hips in a rocking motion against his hand. All the intensity of the night’s lovemaking came rushing back, engulfing her in the heated frenzy. Once again, he had propelled her to the ultimate pinnacle of pleasure.